--- Comment #9 from Adomas Jackevičius <> ---
Hey Konrad,

Here is the output of

pid,start,command:  1174 22:31:33 /usr/bin/kded5


ITEM:      :1.11/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  1174 22:31:33 /usr/bin/kded5
ID:        KDE Daemon
TITLE:     Keyboard Layout

ITEM:      :1.36/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/steam
PID STAT:  1514 22:31:34 /home/adomas/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
ID:        steam
TITLE:     Steam

ITEM:      :1.54/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  4062 22:34:58 /usr/lib/telegram-desktop-bin/Telegram
-externalupdater --
ID:        TelegramDesktop
TITLE:     Telegram Desktop

When Telegram autostarts, there is no icon in system tray, I kill Telegram and
then start it again, then icon appears :) output is when icon is there in
system tray. Let me know if I can provide some more info

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