Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REPORTED                    |CONFIRMED
            Product|kwin                        |frameworks-kxmlgui
            Version|5.19.5                      |5.74.0
           Assignee|      |
            Summary|Kwin ignores the window     |KDE app windows that
                   |placement setting and       |remember their positions
                   |always places a new window  |completely overlap the
                   |at the same position,       |existing window when
                   |overlapping the old window  |opening a new instance
                 CC|                            |
          Component|core                        |general
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1

--- Comment #7 from Nate Graham <> ---
Not honoring the KWin window placement modes is intentional. We got endless bug
reports asking for windows to remember their prior positioning, which is
mutually exclusive with KWin deciding where to place windows. You can't do
both; it's one or the other. Evidently lots of people want KWin to be in
control instead, which I did not anticipate given the sheer magnitude of bug
reports and duplicates asking for the opposite (23). Sorry about that. For
people who do want KWin to always be in control, there is a GUI option visible
in Plasma 5.20 to turn off the "remember positions" behavior.

Users of Plasma 5.19 who don't have that option visible can add
AllowKDEAppsToRememberWindowPositions=false under the general section of their
~/.config/kdeglobals file.

Handling multiple instances of the same app opened one after another is a legit
bug. Let's use this to track it.

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