--- Comment #45 from ---
(In reply to Fonic from comment #44)
> (In reply to br1ghtch1p from comment #42)
> > (In reply to Fonic from comment #41)
> > > Just out of curiosity: is NVIDIA actually doing something about this?
> > > 
> > > Seems to be a recurring pattern with NVIDIA where they admit/know about 
> > > bugs
> > > in their driver, but just don't care (e.g. bug preventing use of AMD SME).
> > 
> > Yes I filed a bug and nvidia confirmed the problem exists. Here is
> > transcript of last email:
> > 
> > -- I installed fresh Arch linux and can recreate issue every time I used
> > inbuilt sleep command.
> > 
> > -- We are working on its fix and will keep you updated on the same.
> > 
> > and that's date 11 August.
> > 
> > I assume the fix will come on the next major update but when that will
> > happen is everyone's guess. I don't think there's a testing driver yet - not
> > that I know of anyway.
> When I reported the bug regarding AMD SME, it was exactly the same:
> 'We can confirm this bug.'
> 'We're working on it.'
> 'We'll keep you posted.'
> What actually happened:
> I only ever got updates after inquiring.
> After 6 months, of mostly silence apart from 'we're still working on it', I
> got this answer: 'AMD SME is currently not supported. Our driver
> documentation advises users to disable that feature. We might support this
> in the future, but currently there is no timeline for this.'
> Let's hope you have more luck.
> Curious though:
> How did you report the bug? There seems to be no bug tracker. I had to go
> through customer support back then.

Nvidia has a builtin bug report script packaged with the driver. Just run:

This will create a nvidia-bug-report.log.gz file. Just email this file and how
to reproduce issue to this email: linux-bugs [ at ] nvidia [ dot ] com

It's probably good to have many people reporting the bug to be heard.

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