Harald Sitter <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---
           Assignee|            |
          Component|general                     |kcm_kwinscripts
            Summary|"Kwin scripts" KCM window   |Exec= kcms through
                   |is too small                |systemsettings5 rather than
                   |                            |kcmshell5
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |REPORTED
            Product|kde-cli-tools               |systemsettings

--- Comment #6 from Harald Sitter <> ---
Moving to kwin then. 

So.... with systemsettings supporting loading specific kcms, the kcms in plasma
(at least; not exclusively) should Exec= via systemsettings5 rather than
kcmshell5. It gives a better experience and also does away with the sizing
problem. We kinda hacked that in for 5.19 (?)  in krunner, where we hijack
kcmshell5 execution and replace it with systemsettings5 that hack doesn't
extend to actually executing a desktop file which runs kcmshell5 and I don't
think that'd be smart to do anyway. What kcms should really do is go through
systemsettings5 rather than kcmshell.

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