Simone Gaiarin <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |hics/okular/commit/10d92fbe
                   |                            |da39d3b177b0681e68ff1f5ea6b
                   |                            |99270
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
   Version Fixed In|                            |1.11.1

--- Comment #10 from Simone Gaiarin <> ---
Git commit 10d92fbeda39d3b177b0681e68ff1f5ea6b99270 by Simone Gaiarin.
Committed on 25/08/2020 at 08:16.
Pushed by aacid into branch 'release/20.08'.

Store the state of the builtin annotations in a new config key

Using the new configuration key BuiltinAnnotationTools instead of
AnnotationTools, we avoid any conflicts in the configuration files due to the
fact that the key AnnotationTools had a different meaning in the previous
versions of Okular. In particular we avoid the critical problem that the
actions in the UI do not match the actual annotation tools. The conflict may
happen if the kconf_update script is not executed for some reason (e.g. okular
running from flatpack).
FIXED-IN: 1.11.1

M  +5    -5    conf/okular.kcfg
M  +6    -0    okular.upd
M  +13   -13   ui/pageviewannotator.cpp
M  +4    -4    ui/pageviewannotator.h

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