--- Comment #4 from Maxim Egorushkin <> ---
(In reply to Christoph Feck from comment #3)
> If we had the sources of the driver we could investigate. The backtrace
> doesn't even have symbol information for the driver to check which function
> was being called.

Some more info:

VideoMaterial::bindTexture calls glTexImage2D and this call crashes:

#12 0x00007fffc1e5c4ac in VideoMaterial::bindTexture(int, unsigned char const*)
() from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/           
(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function _ZN13VideoMaterial11bindTextureEiPKh:       
   0x00007fffc1e5c460 <+0>:     movsxd rsi,esi                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c463 <+3>:     push   r12                                      
   0x00007fffc1e5c465 <+5>:     push   rbp                                      
   0x00007fffc1e5c466 <+6>:     push   rbx                                      
   0x00007fffc1e5c467 <+7>:     lea    rbx,[rdi+rsi*4]                          
   0x00007fffc1e5c46b <+11>:    mov    rbp,rdi                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c46e <+14>:    mov    edi,0xde1                                
   0x00007fffc1e5c473 <+19>:    mov    r12,rdx                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c476 <+22>:    mov    esi,DWORD PTR [rbx+0x2c]                 
   0x00007fffc1e5c479 <+25>:    call   0x7fffc1e56b40 <glBindTexture@plt>       
   0x00007fffc1e5c47e <+30>:    movsxd rax,DWORD PTR [rbx+0x50]                 
   0x00007fffc1e5c482 <+34>:    sub    rsp,0x8                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c486 <+38>:    mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [rbx+0x38]                 
   0x00007fffc1e5c489 <+41>:    mov    edx,DWORD PTR [rbp+0x6c]                 
   0x00007fffc1e5c48c <+44>:    xor    r9d,r9d                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c48f <+47>:    xor    esi,esi                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c491 <+49>:    mov    edi,0xde1                                
   0x00007fffc1e5c496 <+54>:    add    r12,rax                                  
   0x00007fffc1e5c499 <+57>:    push   r12                                      
   0x00007fffc1e5c49b <+59>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rbp+0x70]                 
   0x00007fffc1e5c49e <+62>:    push   rax                                      
   0x00007fffc1e5c49f <+63>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rbp+0x68]                 
   0x00007fffc1e5c4a2 <+66>:    push   rax
   0x00007fffc1e5c4a3 <+67>:    mov    r8d,DWORD PTR [rbx+0x44]
   0x00007fffc1e5c4a7 <+71>:    call   0x7fffc1e56ad0 <glTexImage2D@plt>
=> 0x00007fffc1e5c4ac <+76>:    add    rsp,0x20
   0x00007fffc1e5c4b0 <+80>:    mov    edx,0x2601
   0x00007fffc1e5c4b5 <+85>:    mov    esi,0x2800
   0x00007fffc1e5c4ba <+90>:    mov    edi,0xde1
   0x00007fffc1e5c4bf <+95>:    call   0x7fffc1e56340 <glTexParameteri@plt>
   0x00007fffc1e5c4c4 <+100>:   mov    edx,0x2601
   0x00007fffc1e5c4c9 <+105>:   mov    esi,0x2801
   0x00007fffc1e5c4ce <+110>:   mov    edi,0xde1
   0x00007fffc1e5c4d3 <+115>:   call   0x7fffc1e56340 <glTexParameteri@plt>
   0x00007fffc1e5c4d8 <+120>:   mov    edx,0x812f
   0x00007fffc1e5c4dd <+125>:   mov    esi,0x2802
   0x00007fffc1e5c4e2 <+130>:   mov    edi,0xde1
   0x00007fffc1e5c4e7 <+135>:   call   0x7fffc1e56340 <glTexParameteri@plt>
   0x00007fffc1e5c4ec <+140>:   pop    rbx
   0x00007fffc1e5c4ed <+141>:   pop    rbp
   0x00007fffc1e5c4ee <+142>:   pop    r12
   0x00007fffc1e5c4f0 <+144>:   mov    edx,0x812f
   0x00007fffc1e5c4f5 <+149>:   mov    esi,0x2803
   0x00007fffc1e5c4fa <+154>:   mov    edi,0xde1
   0x00007fffc1e5c4ff <+159>:   jmp    0x7fffc1e56340 <glTexParameteri@plt>

Registers in glTexImage2D just before the crash:

Thread 15 "QSGRenderThread" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x00007ffff0866700 in
glTexImage2D () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(gdb) info registers 
rax            0x1907   6407
rbx            0x7fff881b5da4   140735476882852
rcx            0x7f     127
rdx            0x8051   32849
rsi            0x0      0
rdi            0xde1    3553
rbp            0x7fff881b5da0   0x7fff881b5da0
rsp            0x7fff9f7fd678   0x7fff9f7fd678
r8             0x7f     127
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x1      1
r11            0x3f800000       1065353216
r12            0x7fff98e56593   140735758558611
r13            0x7fff940266b0   140735676573360
r14            0x7fff9f7fd760   140735869343584
r15            0x7fff8816a140   140735476572480
rip            0x7ffff0866700   0x7ffff0866700 <glTexImage2D>
eflags         0x206    [ PF IF ]
cs             0x33     51
ss             0x2b     43
ds             0x0      0
es             0x0      0
fs             0x0      0
gs             0x0      0

(gdb) x/4xa $rsp
0x7fff9f7fd678: 0x7fffc1e5c4ac <_ZN13VideoMaterial11bindTextureEiPKh+76>       
0x7fff9f7fd688: 0x1401  0x7fff98e56593

The first 6 args of glTexImage2D are in registers above, the other 3 args are
in the stack.

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