Aleix Pol <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
   Version Fixed In|                            |5.12
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit| |
                   |cover/8a6a4b2c566c97d41d9fb |ma/discover/commit/be9519be
                   |8eac5727b3ac3292651         |bffc36a068d6b85df1b3a90220b
                   |                            |2d441

--- Comment #5 from Aleix Pol <> ---
Git commit be9519bebffc36a068d6b85df1b3a90220b2d441 by Aleix Pol.
Committed on 21/06/2020 at 01:47.
Pushed by apol into branch 'Plasma/5.12'.

kns: fix crash upon removing a category

Don't cache the last element in the list that is being cleared

Backported 8a6a4b2c566c97d41d9fb8eac5727b3ac3292651 to 5.12 since people
seem to keep reporting it.

FIXED-IN: 5.12

M  +1    -1    libdiscover/Category/Category.cpp

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