--- Comment #9 from wolthera <> ---
Created attachment 129020
logfile for saving and loading vectors.

So, I tried again, 'layer 3' is the shape layer in both cases, with the first
part saving and the second part loading(second part is from a separate file
saved with krita desktop).

For reference, for the loading part, on the same file, krita desktop gives:

11 ("mimetype", "maindoc.xml", "documentinfo.xml", "preview.png",
"Unnamed/layers/layer2", "Unnamed/layers/layer2.defaultpixel",
"Unnamed/layers/layer2.icc", "Unnamed/layers/layer3.shapelayer/content.svg",
"Unnamed/annotations/icc", "Unnamed/annotations/proofing/icc",
KOStore "root" "maindoc.xml"
Opening for reading "maindoc.xml"
No attribute color space for layer:  "page_margin_and_bleeds"
Searching color space:  "RGBA" "RGBA" "U8"  for layer:  "sketch"
found colorspace "RGB/Alpha (8-bit integer/channel)" ("RGBA","U8" )
KOStore "documentinfo.xml" "documentinfo.xml"
Opening for reading "documentinfo.xml"
KOStore "Unnamed/annotations/icc" "Unnamed/annotations/icc"
Opening for reading "Unnamed/annotations/icc"
KOStore "Unnamed/annotations/proofing/icc" "Unnamed/annotations/proofing/icc"
Opening for reading "Unnamed/annotations/proofing/icc"
going to load  "xmp" ,  "XMP"  from  "Unnamed/layers/.xmp.metadata"
going to load  "xmp" ,  "XMP"  from  "Unnamed/layers/layer3.xmp.metadata"
KOStore "content.svg" "Unnamed/layers/layer3.shapelayer/content.svg"
Opening for reading "Unnamed/layers/layer3.shapelayer/content.svg"
KOStore "Unnamed/layers/layer2.defaultpixel"
Opening for reading "Unnamed/layers/layer2.defaultpixel"
KOStore "Unnamed/layers/layer2" "Unnamed/layers/layer2"
Opening for reading "Unnamed/layers/layer2"
KOStore "Unnamed/layers/layer2.icc" "Unnamed/layers/layer2.icc"
Opening for reading "Unnamed/layers/layer2.icc"
Data to load:  9080  from  "Unnamed/layers/layer2.icc"  with color space 
Profile size:  9080   true   0   9080
going to load  "xmp" ,  "XMP"  from  "Unnamed/layers/layer2.xmp.metadata"
>>>> loadPalettes QVector()
"{1052c48d-cec9-4f72-b8be-8c15a21283cb}" Version:
"{1052c48d-cec9-4f72-b8be-8c15a21283cb}" Valid: true Storage: "Memory"
Timestamp: QDateTime(2020-06-03 12:43:39.477 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
resourceByName "Default"
4 ("mimetype", "colorset.xml", "sRGB-elle-V2-srgbtrc.icc", "profiles.xml")
KOStore "profiles.xml" "profiles.xml"
Opening for reading "profiles.xml"
KOStore "colorset.xml" "colorset.xml"
Opening for reading "colorset.xml"
4 ("mimetype", "colorset.xml", "sRGB-elle-V2-srgbtrc.icc", "profiles.xml")
KOStore "profiles.xml" "profiles.xml"
Opening for reading "profiles.xml"
KOStore "colorset.xml" "colorset.xml"
Opening for reading "colorset.xml"

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