Bug ID: 363581
           Summary: 'An object with name XXX already exists' on project
           Product: umbrello
           Version: 2.19.1 (KDE Applications 16.04.1)
          Platform: Archlinux Packages
                OS: Linux
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: NOR
         Component: general

Everytime I open my project I get a series of notifications about duplicated
object names like this:
'An object with name ImageListModel already exists in the package Logical View.
Please enter a new name:"

With every save/reopen cycle I get more an more notifications. 
Some console output:

umbrello: scene= "Model/View"  / object= "process.h"
umbrello: "Deployment View" , type= 827 , id= "Deployment View" : item already
umbrello: scene= "Model/View"  / object= "Deployment View"
umbrello: "Entity Relationship Model" , type= 836 , id= "Entity Relationship
Model" : item already exists.
umbrello: scene= "Model/View"  / object= "Entity Relationship Model"
umbrello: "ImageListModel"  parent  "Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 ) != 
"ImageListModelPrivate"  ( 0x47b10c0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Logical_View"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "ImageListModel" (current parent: 
"ImageListModelPrivate" , new parent:  "Logical View" )
umbrello: "ImageListModel"  parent  "Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 ) != 
"ImageListModelPrivate"  ( 0x47aa9f0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Logical_View"
umbrello: "Rename object : ImageListModel to new_class"  [ 1 ]
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "ImageListModel" (current parent: 
"ImageListModelPrivate" , new parent:  "Logical View" )
umbrello: "ImageListModelPrivate"  parent  "Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 ) != 
"ImageListModel"  ( 0x45f80d0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Logical_View"
umbrello: "Rename object : ImageListModelPrivate to new_class_1"  [ 2 ]
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "ImageListModelPrivate" (current parent: 
"ImageListModel" , new parent:  "Logical View" )
umbrello: "ImageListModel"  parent  "ImageListModelPrivate"  ( 0x45e70a0 ) != 
"Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "ImageListModel" (current parent:  "Logical
View" , new parent:  "ImageListModelPrivate" )
umbrello: "ImageListModelPrivate"  parent  "ImageListModel"  ( 0x45e7c80 ) != 
"ImageListModel"  ( 0x494df00 )
umbrello: "ImageListModelPrivate" : Object is already in target package
umbrello: unused list view item  "nelfp9US7oat"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: "ImageListModel"  parent  "ImageListModelPrivate"  ( 0x45e70a0 ) != 
"Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 )
umbrello: "ImageListModel" : Object is already in target package
umbrello: unused list view item  "3EzGRv5uvYpL"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: "nowa_klasa"  parent  "Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 ) !=  "Photo"  (
0x476bbe0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Logical_View"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa" (current parent:  "Photo" ,
new parent:  "Logical View" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1"  parent  "Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 ) !=  "Photo"  (
0x476bbe0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Logical_View"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa_1" (current parent:  "Photo" ,
new parent:  "Logical View" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1"  parent  "Photo"  ( 0x476bbe0 ) !=  "Logical View"  (
0x1b43450 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Package"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa_1" (current parent:  "Logical
View" , new parent:  "Photo" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1"  parent  "Photo"  ( 0x476bbe0 ) !=  "Logical View"  (
0x1b43450 )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1" : Object is already in target package
umbrello: unused list view item  "gcGmDIowv1Q5"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: "nowa_klasa"  parent  "Photo"  ( 0x476bbe0 ) !=  "Logical View"  (
0x1b43450 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Package"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa" (current parent:  "Logical
View" , new parent:  "Photo" )
umbrello: "QByteArray"  parent  "Logical View"  ( 0x1b43450 ) !=  "Photo"  (
0x476bbe0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Logical_View"
umbrello: "Rename object : QByteArray to new_class_2"  [ 3 ]
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "QByteArray" (current parent:  "Photo" ,
new parent:  "Logical View" )
umbrello: INTERNAL ERROR:  findItem(id  "DQMUjvJ9vH3p" ) returns 0
umbrello: unused list view item  "DQMUjvJ9vH3p"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: INTERNAL ERROR:  findItem(id  "yC1DLbEhjya6" ) returns 0
umbrello: unused list view item  "yC1DLbEhjya6"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: INTERNAL ERROR:  findItem(id  "sZYfnTM7K38V" ) returns 0
umbrello: unused list view item  "sZYfnTM7K38V"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: INTERNAL ERROR:  findItem(id  "9ip013dJO9KH" ) returns 0
umbrello: unused list view item  "9ip013dJO9KH"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: INTERNAL ERROR:  findItem(id  "L9YCeOU1UmYQ" ) returns 0
umbrello: unused list view item  "L9YCeOU1UmYQ"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: INTERNAL ERROR:  findItem(id  "7uwiFMTSuuNz" ) returns 0
umbrello: unused list view item  "7uwiFMTSuuNz"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: "nowa_klasa"  parent  "final"  ( 0x47554b0 ) !=  "tree_private"  (
0x474d580 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa" (current parent: 
"tree_private" , new parent:  "final" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1"  parent  "final"  ( 0x47554b0 ) !=  "tree_private"  (
0x474d580 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa_1" (current parent: 
"tree_private" , new parent:  "final" )
umbrello: "IteratorType"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) != 
"iterator_base"  ( 0x474e2d0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Package"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "IteratorType" (current parent: 
"iterator_base" , new parent:  "tree_private" )
umbrello: "IteratorType"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) != 
"iterator_base"  ( 0x474e2d0 )
umbrello: "IteratorType" : Object is already in target package
umbrello: unused list view item  "5eum2M14zomC"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: "IteratorType"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) !=  "final"  (
0x47554b0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Package"
umbrello: "Rename object : IteratorType to new_class"  [ 4 ]
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "IteratorType" (current parent:  "final" ,
new parent:  "tree_private" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) !=  "final"  (
0x47554b0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Package"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa" (current parent:  "final" ,
new parent:  "tree_private" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) !=  "final"  (
0x47554b0 )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa" : Object is already in target package
umbrello: unused list view item  "tgRzXwYKoS6k"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) !=  "final"  (
0x47554b0 )
umbrello: newParentType is  "lvt_Package"
umbrello: Attempted reparenting of  "nowa_klasa_1" (current parent:  "final" ,
new parent:  "tree_private" )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1"  parent  "tree_private"  ( 0x474d580 ) !=  "final"  (
0x47554b0 )
umbrello: "nowa_klasa_1" : Object is already in target package
umbrello: unused list view item  "XSmXFkwQWsLi"  of lvtype  "lvt_Class"
umbrello: id= "szcmvbdRXfgb"
umbrello: setZoom 10
umbrello: UMLListView selection changed to "Model/View"
umbrello: id= "szcmvbdRXfgb"
umbrello: setZoom 10

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Import code to umbrello project
2. save project
3. close and open project - notifications about duplicates will appear

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