Holger <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |REPORTED
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---

--- Comment #3 from Holger <> ---
(In reply to Vlad Zahorodnii from comment #1)
> Not sure that this is doable with the current architecture and whether
> implementing it is actually worth it.

Would it be easier to remember the transparency level? Then I could set myself
a black desktop and make the application translucent to 50%, which will in
addition also keep the colors correct - but requires to control the background
minimizing everything else.

An additional feature request to modify the invert color effect into lowering
the brightness was already denied -> Bug 383515

(In reply to David Edmundson from comment #2)
> What's the use case of inverting a window at a permanent level.

My eye is ill to the effect of showing a halo around bright sources of light,
like a cars headlight seen through some fog. So reading anything on a white
background is really tiring. Sadly after almost 10 years of dark modes all over
the place, you still run into software, that cannot do it or flat out refuses
to add something sensable. Only in January 2020 WhatsApp switched to the dark
side. M$ added darkness to their file-browser in 2018 ... so I expect it to
take another decade, until each and every software conforms.

Currently I have the dictionary "Ding" always on top and from time to time I
play Simon Tathams Puzzle collections ... both are actually gray, but with the
invert effect they become a lot better on my eyes. KPatience also only offers a
single dark deck of cards and some medium backgrounds.

The list goes on and on. Sometimes it is only the toolbars, that switch to dark
or only the content, but explicitly not the toolbars. For me the halo from the
bright parts overlaps the "supposedly dark" themed parts. EMails in thunderbird
e.g. even with the dark toolbars, I can hardly decipher them next to the bright
white mail. On other occations, the dark isn't finished jet: still dark text on
new dark background or new light text on old light background ... So these
half'n'half dark modes are even worse than going back to light mode and do a
clean invert of the whole window.

Don't get me wrong: This is already a fantastic feature to support dark-mode on
a per window level and I use it every day and love it. So the work-around for
me so far is, not to restart programs / the computer and keep the apps open for
as long as possible. And in case I have to restart, there is always the
shortcut handy. So it is just a minor annoyance to get flashed for a moment
until I can press the button.

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