Wolfgang Bauer <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from Wolfgang Bauer <> ---
This is basically the same as bug#414219.

Only difference: openSUSE uses a newer signon-ui based on QtWebEngine (with a
downstream patch to retrieve the username), while Kubuntu has an older QtWebKit
based version. (so I don't mark it as duplicate just yet)

The underlying problem is the same though AFAICT, it fails to retrieve the user
name from the login (web) page, probably due to some change on Google's side.

A workaround to get the account working:
- Run "sqlite3 ~/.config/libaccounts-glib/accounts.db"
- Enter "select * from Accounts;" to get the id of the account
- Enter "update Accounts set name="username" where id=1;" to set a username and
it should work. (replace 1 with the actual id, the username is actually
irrelevant and can be anything, it's just used to display the account in the
settings and kio-gdrive)

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