--- Comment #9 from Nicofo <> ---
Thank you for your quick reaction and look in the code ;)
I'll test when new appimage available.

Still can you explain exactly what I need to do to scan for faces (face
detection) a specific Album (and only that album) ?
- In "Search in" > Albums: I need to select the desired Album (obviously !)
- In "Search in" > Tags: what do I need to select ?
  - If I select nothing ==> (1) what will be scanned ??
(in comment #6 you say: "there is no selection, the whole collection is used" 
==> not what I want)
  - If I select everything ==> (2) what will be scanned ??
(I suppose e.g. pictures with "France" tag will be scanned, even if not part of
the selected Album ? ==> not what I want)

In other words, how does digikam manage the selections in "Albums" and in
"Tags" tabs ? ==> (3) Does it use an AND or an OR (pictures to be scanned must
match ALL or ANY criteria) ??

Last question: is the selection made in "Search in" > "Tags" used the same way
by digikam for face detection and face recognition ?
- for face detection, according to your comment #6, it is used to scan e.g. all
pictures with the tag "France" (so independently of the Albums selection). ==>
(4) is it correct ??
- for face recognition: I think that it will rather try to recognize only
people whose people tag is selected. So different behavior as for face
detection. ==> (5) is it correct ??

Can you please answer to the 5 questions above "==> (x) xx ??"
Sorry if this may be obvious for you, but I'm still a bit confused ;)
Thanks in advance

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