<> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Printing to HP1120C with    |Printing to HP1120C with
                   |gutenprint driver from      |gutenprint driver from
                   |Kwrite not working.         |Okular not working.

--- Comment #2 from <> ---
Sorry, the Summary should read "Printing to HP1120C with gutenprint driver from
Okular not working.

Printing a text file from Kwrite does work correctly. 

Some other functions that are not working are: - From CUPS Maintneance menu >>
"Clean Print Heads"  
Clean Print Heads hpdeskjet1120c Error
Unable to send command to printer driver:

Unsupported document-format "application/vnd.cups-command".

- From CUPS Maintneance menu >> "Print Self-Test Page"  
Print Self-Test Page hpdeskjet1120c Error
Unable to send command to printer driver:

Unsupported document-format "application/vnd.cups-command".

A different PDF viewer "Document Viewer - Xreader " does print to the driver on
a "letter" size paper. I need to print to a CUSTOM size sheet

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