--- Comment #47 from Raphael Rosch <> ---
That's great news! Thanks for the report!

Argh, you're right, I forgot to mention that konqueror needs to be installed
from the local directory you compiled in order to pick up the new files.

My current workflow is:

cd /path/to/konq-git

# only run these lines for cmake once, to set it all up:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/konq-sidebar ..

# then to compile:
cd /path/to/konq-git/build
make && make install

# and to run the new konq:
cd /path/to/konq-git/build
/opt/konq-sidebar/bin/konqueror /

Note the space between the dot and, you are sourcing the file (in
bash). Also, if you run make with -j, you can compile much faster, I have an
8-core cpu, so I run it as: "make -j8".

Do let me know if you have any feedback. I'm still ironing out a couple more
bugs to do with sessions and the like, which are a little annoying (when
restoring a session, the location in the active view gets overwritten with one
of the button urls from the sidebar). David Faure also has a fix to KF5 and Qt5
which I need to test that will fix a crash in closing a view, and add the root
node to the tree in the sidebar.

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