FeRD (Frank Dana) <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from FeRD (Frank Dana) <> ---
I took a shot at reworking FindMyPhoneActivity to make use of newer Android
APIs (on newer Android devices). The code should be considered a rough draft as
it almost certainly needs additional polish, but it at least compiles and runs
fine on Android 7 (which doesn't support those newer APIs, which makes it a
poor test, but it's the best I can do).

The code's in a branch on my GitHub fork of kdeconnect-android:

I also created a PR in the KDE GitHub mirror (which was of course auto-closed,
but I just wanted to get the code up somewhere):

The text of that PR follows.


This is an update to the FindMyPhone plugin, attempting to make use of newer
APIs to more correctly manage audio playback on newer Android releases.

KDE Connect-wide
* Raise minSdkVersion from 14 to 21 (To access more recent APIs w/o lots of
legacy fallback.)
* Add WAKE_LOCK to permissions requested in manifest file.

* Use AudioAttributes to replace deprecated SetAudioStreamType()
* Request & manage audio focus, on Android 26+
* Prevent screen / CPU sleep during playback (using WAKE_LOCK)
* Prepare MediaPlayer asynchronously, and release() when done

I'll be honest, I wrote this code working off of API docs and code samples, but
I'm not supremely confident that it's all correct. It compiles with no
problems, and I built and installed it as an APK on my Android 7 phone, where
it worked just the same as the version installed from Google Play.

However, running on Android 7 means that most of the newer APIs (including
Audio Focus) aren't accessed, and I don't have a newer device to test on.
(Trying to run the app in an emulator failed, network-connectivity wise... I
ended up with GSConnect trying to pair with itself.)

So, I'm submitting this in case it might be useful, but I would be surprised if
it doesn't need at least some cleanup. It certainly needs testing on newer
devices, something I'm unable to do myself.

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