--- Comment #5 from ---
I have now updated to Krita version 4.3.0-prealpha (git 5f783c4)

The precise behavior appears to have changed now, but still persists.

Let me go through my first report point for point:

> n the color selector you get when clicking one of the two swatches for your 
> current colors, if you are in 32bit float depth mode and type a number into 
> any of the fields, the color picker will disappear

By "color picker" I meant the visual shape selector. It no longer disappears.

> the corresponding swatch will go transparent.

This still happens. (See attached file "Buggy Swatch [...]")

> This persists if you click in the area the color picker would appear in 

That is no longer the case: Now that the visual shape selector no longer
disappears, clicking anywhere inside it will fix this problem.

Now for the new stuff:

The visual color selector displays the color you manually type into the fields
incorrectly. How exactly is unclear and inconsistent.

See the attachment "visual shape selector doesn't update correctly" as an
example. Note, the preview color on the bottom appears to actually be fully
transparent. (Same as what happens in the swatch which updates to the same
"color") - just for extra clarity, I also attached a third file for how the
same typed-in color is actually supposed to look like (achieved by typing in
the same values in other locations such as the Specific Color Selector)

This happens whenever I type anything into the fields in 32bit float depth.

On my first test in this new version, I briefly also found a secondary way to
trigger the same issue but I can't reproduce that for now:

If you use the color picker from inside the Select a Color window (rather than
the one from the tool bar), sometimes the same issue seems to arise. I'm not
sure when exactly though.

I hope that helps. Do you need any more information?

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