--- Comment #4 from Ray Wells 4.0 <> ---
 That's what it should do but if I select one target to track, and it fills in
the field, then move to another target, the target does not change. It only
ever fills out the field once that I can see, and then labels the new capture
incorrectly if you don't correct it by hand. This may be related to being
linked to selected jobs.

  The target name is also saved in each job and reprinted if that job is then
reselected even though you can't actually edit the fields and have to remake
then delete the wrong one, the process of which resets the fields to the wrong
one when you select it to delete it..Then repeat all 4 times to alter a single
rgb run. 

  I would like to suggest disconnecting the entry form fields from jobs already
in queue, But having the name field fill in the name when a target is
selected/tracked target really is nice when it works.

  Another thought here, and possibly the original intent of having the fields
track the jobs, is that instead of having to
remake/delete/reset/remake/delete/reset..etc. make it so they actually do edit
when you select and change them, maybe a save button? 

Personally I think disconnecting from jobs already in queue might work better. 

Just my 2c...fwiw. 


ps. I just reread the original issue and I'm not sure I did the right thing
putting it here. Mine is related but a bit different I think, I can remake this
into a new one if you want.

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