kuede <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #12 from kuede <> ---
Same bug as mine (, do not know how
to report duplicates).

My temporary fix: akonadictl fsck, kill all akonadi processes, akonadictl fsck
(then in total all my > 4000 mails are gone), kill all akonadi processes again,
start kontact (if it does not work, try again). Works until the system is
rebooted (or X got killed). All mails are redownloaded and - in the beginning
all, later only part of them - folders (as trash or inbox) are assigned to
wrong folders (even linked to other mail accounts, or inbox is now trash and
vice versa).

What I noticed/might be important: 
- akonadictl stop nor restart do anything!
- pressing the button for more details about akonadi not running properly
within kontact does not do anything
- I'm running 4x pop, 2x imap, google contacts and calendar and email
- as long as I do not restart everything seems to work flawlessly (as long as I
did not forget to reassign on of the folders correctly)
- sometimes killing all akonadi processes leads to freazing of kde needing a
soft reset.
- searched a lot and really seems to be concentrated on the previously
mentioned Opensuse combination.
- completely lost my emails from one account (probably after running akonadictl
- akonadictl fsck removes all of my ressources and probably all of my emails!!!
- Even using the restart-button within the kontact setting for the accounts
does not harm and resources still seem to run fine.

Would changing status to confirmed make sense? Even if it only seems related to
one distro with one repository?

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