--- Comment #1 from Vlad Zahorodnii <> ---
> m_allClients) from workspace.h, which is not sorted at all
We don't maintain stacking order in m_allClients.

There are currently several stacking orders:
* Unconstrained (unconstrained_stacking_order): the first client in the list is
the bottom-most client, and the last client in the list is the top-most client.
Only managed clients are in tjhe list;
* Constrained (stacking_order): it's the same as the unconstrained stacking
order. The only difference between two is that in this list "below-above"
constraints are evaluated;
* Render (x_stacking): This is concatenation of the constrained stacking order
and a list of unmanaged/internal clients. Keep in mind that we use X's stacking
order only for unmanaged clients.

I guess we could add something like this to the scripting API

    // We use QtScriptEngine so no ECMAScript 6 features.
    var clients = workspace.stackingOrder();

    workspace.stackingOrderChanged.connect(function () {

though I'm not sure about declarative script API, perhaps we need to expose
stackingOrder property.

Given that Deleted is an implementation detail of kwin, we must filter out such

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