Eridani Rodríguez <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from Eridani Rodríguez <> ---
That may work on the USA, but the rest of the world mostly use comma on the
line [,] to separate from decimal units so the notation may become messy if not
handled with care; below a copy pasta from ISO 8601 E norm:

"If a decimal fraction is included, lower order components (if any) shall be
omitted and the decimal fraction shall be divided from the integer part by the
decimal sign specified in ISO 31-0: i.e. the comma [,] or full stop [.]. Of
these, the comma is the preferred sign."

But there are also some weird notations on certain countries (e.g. México),
where while using the SI they use full stop [.] to separate decimal units (like
USA). Therefore, it is recommended to just use space [ ] to separate groups of
3 numbers for better readability on a numeric notation and never use comma [,]
or full stop [.] as these are reserved for decimal units.

For example, one million (1000000) may be written as 1 000 000 for better

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