--- Comment #4 from ---
➢ Are you using the independent colour picker tool, or are you picking Colors
with the ctrl-click functionality of the freehand brush tool
• The program is running on my tablet, without the keyboard (touch).  So I use
the colour picker on the left side

➢ what colorspace and channel depth is the image you're using
• Where can I look this up? I’m using the default i guess.

➢ disable canvas acceleration the display page in krita's settings Dialog
• I disabled this, but nothing changed.

➢ run Krita as a different user or as Administrator
• I did, nothing changed

I uninstalled the game several times. I always downloaded from the Krita
website.  But all the settings got saved (like the bug).

Theresa Koch

Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10

Von: Boudewijn Rempt
Gesendet: Sonntag, 3. März 2019 12:51
Betreff: [krita] [Bug 405014] Krita crashes when using the color picker

Boudewijn Rempt <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO
             Status|REPORTED                    |NEEDSINFO

--- Comment #3 from Boudewijn Rempt <> ---
* Are you using the independent color picker tool, or are you picking colors
with the ctrl-click functionality of the freehand brush tool
* what colorspace and channel depth is the image you're using

Could you try the following:

* disable canvas acceleration the display page in krita's settings dialog
* run Krita as a different user or as administrator
* get a crash log:

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