--- Comment #9 from Artem S. Tashkinov <> ---
(In reply to Christoph Feck from comment #7)
> For issues in the system monitor: plasmashell/System Monitor
> For issues in the weather widget: kdeplasma-addons/weather
> As David said, we don't track new widgets requests, because there is hardly
> enough manpower to maintain existing widgets.

That summarizes everything.

Either someone steps up and fixes the issue I've identified (all monitoring KDE
plasmoids are completely unsuitable for the taskbar) or I just don't want to
bother filing close to seven bug reports which will most likely receive zero
attention only to be closed 10 years later once you release KDE 6 (with "Is
this still an issue?" reason). I've seen it too much in this bugzilla.

After all I've been asking to revive KNetStats for six years now. No one cares.
I've been asking to revive Juk for the same amount of time. Only this year it
was been finally ported to KF5 albeit it constantly crashes (tried it in Fedora
which contains the last available release) and it doesn't look and behave like
its KDE3 ancestor.

KSensors is all but dead and forgotten. There's no alternative in KDE4/5 -
something which monitors temperatures _and_ voltages _and_ fan speeds and has a
nice tiny panel with all the required sensors and which can show everything in
the system tray.

Again, PC users barely interact with the desktop which is the whole premise of
KDE 5 and it's silly (not that I want to hurt someone's feeling but it's just a
sad fact). For some reasons Plasma was created with tablet users in mind. I
suspect the whole ten people in the world use Plasma on their tablets - all
others are quite content with Android and iOS.

I love some new KDE5 features but Plasma has never been one of them. It's a
shiny mostly useless distraction people rarely if ever interact with and I'm
quite sure core KDE developers hardly have any plasmoids running on the

> For 6) check

This must be built-in and configurable. Also this thing works as a desktop
plasmoid and I'm quite sure it will completely break once being embedded in the
task panel.

P.S. "CLOSED NOT A BUG" - that's an obvious falsehood but who cares.

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