--- Comment #45 from Mark Wielaard <> ---
Unfortunately even with the ldbrx patch (which seems an OK improvement in
itself) we still have some issues.

ldbrx is also used on unaligned addresses. In which case even
--partial-loads-ok=yes doesn't help us.

For example this little program which has a string table with some strings at
odd addresses:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv)
  char *strtable = malloc (5);
  // First element is the empty string.
  strtable[0] = '\0';
  // Second (and last) element is a short string.
  strcpy (&strtable[1], "abc");

  // What was the second string again?
  int equal = strcmp (argv[0], &strtable[1]);
  if (equal == 0)
    puts ("yes");
    puts ("no");

  free (strtable);
  return 0;

gcc -Wall -g -O2 -o table table.c
valgrind -q ./table
==7902== Invalid read of size 8
==7902==    at 0x10000630: main (table.c:14)
==7902==  Address 0x42e0041 is 1 bytes inside a block of size 5 alloc'd
==7902==    at 0x408420C: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==7902==    by 0x100005A7: main (table.c:7)

Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x0000000010000580 <+0>:     lis     r2,4098
   0x0000000010000584 <+4>:     addi    r2,r2,32512
   0x0000000010000588 <+8>:     mflr    r0
   0x000000001000058c <+12>:    std     r30,-16(r1)
   0x0000000010000590 <+16>:    std     r31,-8(r1)
   0x0000000010000594 <+20>:    li      r3,5
   0x0000000010000598 <+24>:    mr      r30,r4
   0x000000001000059c <+28>:    std     r0,16(r1)
   0x00000000100005a0 <+32>:    stdu    r1,-48(r1)
   0x00000000100005a4 <+36>:    bl      0x10000560
   0x00000000100005a8 <+40>:    ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x00000000100005ac <+44>:    lis     r10,99
   0x00000000100005b0 <+48>:    li      r8,0
   0x00000000100005b4 <+52>:    ori     r10,r10,25185
   0x00000000100005b8 <+56>:    mr      r31,r3
   0x00000000100005bc <+60>:    ld      r3,0(r30)
   0x00000000100005c0 <+64>:    addi    r4,r31,1
   0x00000000100005c4 <+68>:    stb     r8,0(r31)
   0x00000000100005c8 <+72>:    stw     r10,1(r31)
   0x00000000100005cc <+76>:    clrldi  r9,r3,52
   0x00000000100005d0 <+80>:    cmpdi   cr7,r9,4032
   0x00000000100005d4 <+84>:    bge     cr7,0x100005e4 <main+100>
   0x00000000100005d8 <+88>:    clrldi  r9,r4,52
   0x00000000100005dc <+92>:    cmpdi   cr7,r9,4032
   0x00000000100005e0 <+96>:    blt     cr7,0x1000062c <main+172>
   0x00000000100005e4 <+100>:   bl      0x10000520
   0x00000000100005e8 <+104>:   ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x00000000100005ec <+108>:   cmpwi   cr7,r3,0
   0x00000000100005f0 <+112>:   bne     cr7,0x1000074c <main+460>
   0x00000000100005f4 <+116>:   addis   r3,r2,-2
   0x00000000100005f8 <+120>:   addi    r3,r3,-29840
   0x00000000100005fc <+124>:   bl      0x10000540
   0x0000000010000600 <+128>:   ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010000604 <+132>:   mr      r3,r31
   0x0000000010000608 <+136>:   bl      0x100004e0
   0x000000001000060c <+140>:   ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010000610 <+144>:   addi    r1,r1,48
   0x0000000010000614 <+148>:   li      r3,0
   0x0000000010000618 <+152>:   ld      r0,16(r1)
   0x000000001000061c <+156>:   ld      r30,-16(r1)
   0x0000000010000620 <+160>:   ld      r31,-8(r1)
   0x0000000010000624 <+164>:   mtlr    r0
   0x0000000010000628 <+168>:   blr
   0x000000001000062c <+172>:   ldbrx   r8,0,r3
=> 0x0000000010000630 <+176>:   ldbrx   r9,0,r4
   0x0000000010000634 <+180>:   li      r10,0
   0x0000000010000638 <+184>:   cmpb    r7,r8,r9
   0x000000001000063c <+188>:   cmpb    r10,r8,r10
   0x0000000010000640 <+192>:   orc.    r10,r10,r7
   0x0000000010000644 <+196>:   bne     0x10000734 <main+436>
   0x0000000010000648 <+200>:   addi    r9,r3,8
   0x000000001000064c <+204>:   ldbrx   r8,0,r9
   0x0000000010000650 <+208>:   addi    r9,r4,8
   0x0000000010000654 <+212>:   ldbrx   r9,0,r9
   0x0000000010000658 <+216>:   cmpb    r10,r8,r10
   0x000000001000065c <+220>:   cmpb    r7,r8,r9
   0x0000000010000660 <+224>:   orc.    r10,r10,r7
   0x0000000010000664 <+228>:   bne     0x10000734 <main+436>

This means we have to handle unaligned partial reads somehow.
I am not sure we can. The code in memcheck/mc_main.c (mc_LOADVn_slow) dealing
with partial reads seems to very much rely on at least word alignment.

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