--- Comment #6 from Michael Pyne <> ---
I think this is a YAML::PP bug, but it is possible to adjust metadata.yaml to
allow Éric's name to still be spelled properly:

    diff --git a/projects/extragear/utils/keurocalc/metadata.yaml
    index 2f89c70..f706b2f 100644
    --- a/projects/extragear/utils/keurocalc/metadata.yaml
    +++ b/projects/extragear/utils/keurocalc/metadata.yaml
    @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ description: Utility to handle currency conversions between
European currencies
     hasrepo: true
     icon: null
    -- displayname: Éric Bischoff
    +- displayname: "Éric Bischoff"
       username: bischoff
     name: KEuroCalc
     projectpath: extragear/utils/keurocalc

Putting the string in quotes makes clear to YAML::PP that it's a string and not
some other potential bit of YAML syntax. All the online validators I can find
claim the original was valid YAML, and the spec itself seems to confirm that as
well (allowing any printable Unicode character to be part of a "plain scalar").

Interestingly, using "☃ric Bischoff" as the name, without quotes, *also* works
with YAML::PP. So I suspect this is an instance of the Perl "Unicode bug"
affecting strings that have characters in the range U+0080-U+0100; these are
treated internally as local-8-bit strings instead of utf8 by default and this
has some implications for how other Perl operators process those strings even
if they were read in as utf8.

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