--- Comment #22 from dS810 <> --- Can't select more than that: [debug 18:13:11.121121] - package is valid true [debug 18:13:11.121121] - connector : "eDP1" - "10" [debug 18:13:11.121121] - Known Screen - "eDP1" - 10 [debug 18:13:11.121121] - connector : "DP1" - "11" [debug 18:13:11.121121] - Known Screen - "DP1" - 11 [debug 18:13:11.121121] - connector : "HDMI1" - "12" [debug 18:13:11.121121] - Known Screen - "HDMI1" - 12 [debug 18:13:11.122122] - Latte::DockCorona the package QJsonObject({"KPlugin":{"Authors":[{"Email":",","Name":"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar"}],"Description":"Shell provided for the Latte Dock","Description[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte Dock","Description[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte Dock","Description[da]":"Skal til Latte-dokken","Description[de]":"Shell für Latte-Dock","Description[el]":"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte","Description[en_GB]":"Shell provided for the Latte Dock","Description[es]":"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock","Description[eu]":"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat","Description[fi]":"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä","Description[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.","Description[it]":"Shell fornita per Latte Dock","Description[nl]":"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock","Description[nn]":"Skal frå Latte-dokk","Description[pl]":"Powłoka dla doku Latte","Description[pt]":"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte","Description[pt_BR]":"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock","Description[sv]":"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster","Description[uk]":"Оболонка панелі Латте","Description[x-test]":"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx","Description[zh_CN]":"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell","Description[zh_TW]":"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell","Id":"","License":"GPLv3+","Name":"Latte Shell","Name[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[cs]":"Shell Latte","Name[da]":"Latte-skal","Name[de]":"Latte-Shell","Name[el]":"Κέλυφος Latte","Name[en_GB]":"Latte Shell","Name[es]":"Consola de Latte","Name[eu]":"Latte Shell-a","Name[fi]":"Latte-käyttöliittymä","Name[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes de Latte","Name[it]":"shell Latte","Name[nl]":"Latte-shell","Name[nn]":"Latte-skal","Name[pl]":"Powłoka Latte","Name[pt]":"Consola do Latte","Name[pt_BR]":"Latte Shell","Name[sv]":"Latte skal","Name[uk]":"Оболонка Латте","Name[x-test]":"xxLatte Shellxx","Name[zh_CN]":"Latte Shell","Name[zh_TW]":"Latte Shell","ServiceTypes":["Plasma/Shell"],"Version":"0.8.1","Website":""},"Keywords":"shell","Keywords[ca@valencia]":"intèrpret d'ordres","Keywords[ca]":"intèrpret d'ordres","Keywords[da]":"skal","Keywords[de]":"Shell","Keywords[el]":"κέλυφος","Keywords[en_GB]":"shell","Keywords[es]":"consola","Keywords[eu]":"shell","Keywords[fi]":"käyttöliittymä","Keywords[gl]":"intérprete de ordes","Keywords[it]":"shell","Keywords[nl]":"shell","Keywords[nn]":"skal","Keywords[pl]":"powłoka","Keywords[pt]":"consola","Keywords[pt_BR]":"shell","Keywords[sk]":"shell","Keywords[sv]":"skal","Keywords[uk]":"оболонка","Keywords[x-test]":"xxshellxx","Keywords[zh_CN]":"shell","Keywords[zh_TW]":"shell","X-KDE-ParentApp":"latte-dock"}) is valid! [debug 18:13:11.134134] - Universal Settings version : 2 [debug 18:13:11.134134] - Latte is loading its layouts... [debug 18:13:11.134134] - Layout file to create object: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte" with name: "" [debug 18:13:11.135135] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte" [debug 18:13:11.136136] - Layout name: "Erweitert" [debug 18:13:11.136136] - Layout file to create object: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte" with name: "" [debug 18:13:11.136136] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte" [debug 18:13:11.137137] - Layout name: "Mein Profil" [debug 18:13:11.137137] - Layout file to create object: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte" with name: "" [debug 18:13:11.137137] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte" [debug 18:13:11.138138] - Layout name: "Plasma" [debug 18:13:11.138138] - Layout file to create object: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte" with name: "" [debug 18:13:11.138138] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte" [debug 18:13:11.139139] - Layout name: "Unity" [debug 18:13:11.491491] - "Mein Profil" - "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte" [debug 18:13:11.491491] - Layout file to create object: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte" with name: "Mein Profil" [debug 18:13:11.491491] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte" [debug 18:13:11.492492] - Layout name: "Mein Profil" [debug 18:13:11.492492] - Layout ::::: "Mein Profil" added contaiments ::: 0 [debug 18:13:11.508508] - -------------------------------------------------------------------- [debug 18:13:11.508508] - -------------------------------------------------------------------- [debug 18:13:11.508508] - LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte" [info 18:13:11.5757] - Applet preload policy set to 1 [debug 18:13:11.589589] - Layout :::: "Mein Profil" ::: addDock was called... m_containments :: 1 [debug 18:13:11.589589] - step 1... [debug 18:13:11.589589] - step 2... [debug 18:13:11.589589] - step 3... [debug 18:13:11.589589] - add dock - containment id: 1 ,screen : 10 - "eDP1" ,onprimary: true - "eDP1" ,forceOnPrimary: false [debug 18:13:11.589589] - add dock - connector : "eDP1" [debug 18:13:11.589589] - Adding dock for container... [debug 18:13:11.589589] - onPrimary: true screen!!! : "eDP1" [debug 18:13:11.766766] - adapting to screen... [debug 18:13:11.897897] - SOURCE: QUrl("/usr/share/plasma/shells/") [debug 18:13:11.897897] - dock view c++ containment changed 1... [debug 18:13:11.897897] - dock view c++ containment changed 2... [debug 18:13:11.897897] - Delayer [debug 18:13:11.897897] - D, found screen: "eDP1" [debug 18:13:11.898898] - D, found screen: "HDMI1" [debug 18:13:11.898898] - dock screen exists ::: true [warning 18:13:12.082082] - Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString) [debug 18:13:12.205205] - PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded... [debug 18:13:13.205205] - ///////////////////////// [debug 18:13:13.205205] - "Plasma Desktop version: 5.13.5 (331013)" [debug 18:13:13.205205] - ///////////////////////// [debug 18:13:13.383383] - dock view qml source - containment changed 1... [debug 18:13:13.383383] - dock view qml source - containment changed 2... [warning 18:13:13.386386] - Empty filename passed to function [warning 18:13:13.386386] - Empty filename passed to function [debug 18:13:13.407407] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:13.408408] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:13.4141] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:13.411411] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:13.892892] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:13.935935] - DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT ::: "Mein Profil" - activities: ("0") [debug 18:13:14.1515] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:14.151151] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!! [debug 18:13:16.053053] - Delayer [debug 18:13:16.053053] - D, found screen: "eDP1" [debug 18:13:16.053053] - D, found screen: "HDMI1" [debug 18:13:16.053053] - dock screen exists ::: true -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.