--- Comment #1 from RJVB <> --- Full terminal output: ********* Start testing of TestDUChain ********* Config: Using QtTest library 5.9.6, Qt 5.9.6 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 7.3.0) QWARN : TestDUChain::initTestCase() kf5.kxmlgui: cannot find .rc file "test_duchain-clangui.rc" for component "test_duchain-clang" PASS : TestDUChain::initTestCase() PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(invalid1) PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(invalid2) PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(basic1) PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(basic2) PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(enumerator) PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(comment-formatting) PASS : TestDUChain::testComments(comment-doxygen-tags) PASS : TestDUChain::testElaboratedType(namespace) PASS : TestDUChain::testElaboratedType(enum) PASS : TestDUChain::testElaboratedType(typedef) PASS : TestDUChain::testInclude() FAIL! : TestDUChain::testMissingInclude() Compared values are not the same Actual (b->baseClassesSize()): 0 Expected (1u) : 1 Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(335)] PASS : TestDUChain::testIncludeLocking() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparse() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseError() PASS : TestDUChain::testTemplate() PASS : TestDUChain::testNamespace() PASS : TestDUChain::testAutoTypeDeduction() /tmp/testfile_v21924.cpp:1:46: error: expected ';' after struct PASS : TestDUChain::testTypeDeductionInTemplateInstantiation() PASS : TestDUChain::testVirtualMemberFunction() PASS : TestDUChain::testBaseClasses() QDEBUG : TestDUChain::testReparseBaseClasses() run: 0 QDEBUG : TestDUChain::testReparseBaseClasses() run: 1 PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseBaseClasses() QDEBUG : TestDUChain::testReparseBaseClassesTemplates() run: 0 QDEBUG : TestDUChain::testReparseBaseClassesTemplates() run: 1 PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseBaseClassesTemplates() PASS : TestDUChain::testGetInheriters(inline) PASS : TestDUChain::testGetInheriters(outline) PASS : TestDUChain::testGlobalFunctionDeclaration() PASS : TestDUChain::testFunctionDefinitionVsDeclaration() PASS : TestDUChain::testEnsureNoDoubleVisit() XFAIL : TestDUChain::testReparseWithAllDeclarationsContextsAndUses() Skipping of function bodies is disabled for now Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(1057)] PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseWithAllDeclarationsContextsAndUses() XFAIL : TestDUChain::testReparseOnDocumentActivated() Skipping of function bodies was disabled for now Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(1093)] QWARN : TestDUChain::testReparseOnDocumentActivated() kf5.kxmlgui: cannot find .rc file "test_duchain-clangui.rc" for component "test_duchain-clang" PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseOnDocumentActivated() PASS : TestDUChain::testParsingEnvironment() PASS : TestDUChain::testSystemIncludes() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseInclude() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseChangeEnvironment() PASS : TestDUChain::testMacrosRanges() PASS : TestDUChain::testMacroUses() XFAIL : TestDUChain::testHeaderParsingOrder1() the use could not be created because the corresponding declaration didn't exist yet Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(1305)] PASS : TestDUChain::testHeaderParsingOrder1() PASS : TestDUChain::testHeaderParsingOrder2() /tmp/testfile_X21924.cpp:8:12: error: calling a private constructor of class 'A::Q' /tmp/testfile_X21924.h:1:27: note: implicitly declared private here /tmp/testfile_X21924.cpp:10:12: error: calling a private constructor of class 'B::Q' /tmp/testfile_X21924.h:1:27: note: implicitly declared private here /tmp/testfile_X21924.cpp:12:14: error: 'm' is a private member of 'A::Q' /tmp/testfile_X21924.h:1:36: note: implicitly declared private here /tmp/testfile_X21924.cpp:14:14: error: 'm' is a private member of 'B::Q' /tmp/testfile_X21924.h:1:36: note: implicitly declared private here QDEBUG : TestDUChain::testMacroDependentHeader() DECL RANGE: [ (0, 7) -> (0, 7) ] QDEBUG : TestDUChain::testMacroDependentHeader() CTX RANGE: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 48) ] PASS : TestDUChain::testMacroDependentHeader() PASS : TestDUChain::testNestedImports() PASS : TestDUChain::testEnvironmentWithDifferentOrderOfElements() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseMacro() PASS : TestDUChain::testMultiLineMacroRanges() PASS : TestDUChain::testNestedMacroRanges() PASS : TestDUChain::testGotoStatement() PASS : TestDUChain::testRangesOfOperatorsInsideMacro() PASS : TestDUChain::testActiveDocumentHasASTAttached() PASS : TestDUChain::testActiveDocumentsGetBestPriority() error: error reading '/tmp/testfile_k21924.cpp' QWARN : TestDUChain::testUsesCreatedForDeclarations() kdevelop.languages.clang: clang_parseTranslationUnit2 return with error code 1 QWARN : TestDUChain::testUsesCreatedForDeclarations() kdevelop.languages.clang: Failed to parse translation unit: "/tmp/testfile_k21924.cpp" error: error reading '/tmp/testfile_N21924.cpp' QWARN : TestDUChain::testUsesCreatedForDeclarations() kdevelop.languages.clang: clang_parseTranslationUnit2 return with error code 1 QWARN : TestDUChain::testUsesCreatedForDeclarations() kdevelop.languages.clang: Failed to parse translation unit: "/tmp/testfile_N21924.cpp" PASS : TestDUChain::testUsesCreatedForDeclarations() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseIncludeGuard() PASS : TestDUChain::testExternC() PASS : TestDUChain::testLambda() PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseUnchanged(include-guards) PASS : TestDUChain::testReparseUnchanged(template-default-parameters) PASS : TestDUChain::testTypeAliasTemplate() PASS : TestDUChain::testDeclarationsInsideMacroExpansion() Top-Context "Global" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f71b8004c80 "" [ "" ] [ (0, 0) -> (2147483647, 2147483647) ] "/tmp/testfile_O21924.cpp" Declaration: "Foo< MatchingName >" [ "Foo< MatchingName >" ] 0x7f71b80458e0 (internal ctx: 0x7f71b8003650 ) [ (1, 46) -> (1, 49) ] , no definition, 0 use(s). Declaration: "class MatchingName" [ "MatchingName" ] 0x7f71b84c80e0 (internal ctx: 0x7f71b8045040 ) [ (3, 14) -> (3, 26) ] , defined, 1 use(s). File: "/tmp/testfile_O21924.cpp" Use: [ (4, 13) -> (4, 25) ] Context "Class" (owner: 0x7f71b80458e0 ) 0x7f71b8003650 "Foo< MatchingName >" [ "Foo< MatchingName >" ] [ (1, 8) -> (1, 49) ] "" 1 Declarations, 0 child-contexts Context "Class" (owner: 0x7f71b84c80e0 ) 0x7f71b8045040 "MatchingName" [ "MatchingName" ] [ (3, 8) -> (3, 42) ] "" 1 Declarations, 1 child-contexts Context "Function" (owner: 0x7f71b84b3460 ) 0x7f71b84b3ac0 "bar" [ "MatchingName::bar" ] [ (3, 29) -> (3, 39) ] "" 0 Declarations, 0 child-contexts Context "Helper" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f71b84b3ce0 "MatchingName" [ "MatchingName" ] [ (4, 8) -> (4, 37) ] "" 1 Declarations, 1 child-contexts Context "Function" (owner: 0x7f71b84b4270 ) 0x7f71b84f3120 "bar" [ "MatchingName::bar" ] [ (4, 8) -> (4, 37) ] "" 0 Declarations, 1 child-contexts Context "Other" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f71b8046410 "" [ "MatchingName::bar" ] [ (4, 33) -> (4, 37) ] "" 0 Declarations, 0 child-contexts PASS : TestDUChain::testForwardTemplateTypeParameterContext() Top-Context "Global" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f71b4004d70 "" [ "" ] [ (0, 0) -> (2147483647, 2147483647) ] "/tmp/testfile_u21924.cpp" Declaration: "void foo (int)" [ "foo" ] 0x7f71b40036b0 (internal ctx: 0x7f71b4004a00 ) [ (2, 13) -> (2, 16) ] , no definition, 0 use(s). Declaration: "void bar (int)" [ "bar" ] 0x7f71b4003570 (internal ctx: 0x7f71b4023ef0 ) [ (4, 13) -> (4, 16) ] , no definition, 0 use(s). Context "Function" (owner: 0x7f71b40036b0 ) 0x7f71b4004a00 "foo" [ "foo" ] [ (1, 8) -> (2, 26) ] "" 2 Declarations, 0 child-contexts Context "Function" (owner: 0x7f71b4003570 ) 0x7f71b4023ef0 "bar" [ "bar" ] [ (4, 8) -> (4, 26) ] "" 1 Declarations, 0 child-contexts XFAIL : TestDUChain::testTemplateFunctionParameterName() We get two declarations, for both template and args :( Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(1827)] XFAIL : TestDUChain::testTemplateFunctionParameterName() see above, this then triggers T T here Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(1830)] PASS : TestDUChain::testTemplateFunctionParameterName() PASS : TestDUChain::testFriendDeclaration() PASS : TestDUChain::testVariadicTemplateArguments() FAIL! : TestDUChain::testGccCompatibility() 'file.waitForParsed(5000)' returned FALSE. () Loc: [/path/to/kdevelop-git/plugins/clang/tests/test_duchain.cpp(1955)] PASS : TestDUChain::testQtIntegration() PASS : TestDUChain::testHasInclude() KCrash: Application 'test_duchain-clang' crashing... KCrash: Attempting to start /opt/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit sock_file=/run/user/505/kdeinit5__0 -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.