wolthera <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |
         Resolution|---                         |INVALID
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED

--- Comment #1 from wolthera <> ---
Hi Starwarfan,

What you are describing is only one of the many ways a brush preset can
function. Each brush preset has a different look and feel to them, and the
artists that use Krita use different brushes for different effects, regardless
of how real world tools work. You can customize how brushes work by using the
brush settings:

This is not a crash or any other kind of bug. It therefore does not belong on
the bug tracker. For this reason I am going to close it as invalid. If you have
questions on how to use brushes, I would recommend using the forum as there
different people can give opinions on how they use their brushes.

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