--- Comment #13 from Nate Graham <> ---
(In reply to tuxflo from comment #12)
> I'm not sure if I should create a new Bug for this, but I'm also interested
> in copying a screenshot directly to clipboard.
> My usecase is similar: I want to be able to take a screenshot of a
> rectangular region with a shortcut (like Ctrl+Alt+PrintScr) and then paste
> it directly in a messenger like telegram.
> Currently my workaround looks like this:
> spectacle -br -n -o /tmp/copyshot.png && xclip -sel clip -t image/png
> /tmp/copyshot.png && rm /tmp/copyshot.png
> But I don't really understand why this isn't implemented in spectacle
> itself... a simple commandline switch like -c for "save to clipboard"
> similar to the -o flag would be fine for me.

The bug you're looking for is Bug 375382. And there's an open patch for it:

It's not yet implemented because we still haven't reached consensus regarding
how to solve the issue of keeping an image in a global clipboard after
Spectacle quits. Right now the KDE clipboard manager Klipper explicitly ignores
images in order to avoid using too much memory (which is especially relevant
since the clipboard contents are saved across reboots, so this could
potentially increase startup memory usage by quite a bit--up to 70MB with a
clipboard full of high resolution images).

It's on our radar screens, don't worry.

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