--- Comment #19 from ---
ugh - false alarm, sorry for the noise.
Started looking at the FreeBSD port patches that get applied, usually they are
things like path changes, or naming, etc.
If I compile kmymoney 5.0.1 without this patch, I can edit transactions.  With
this patch applied it crashes.  Even when I compiled from -master, this patch
was still bing applied by ports.

:$cat patch-kmymoney_dialogs_transactioneditor.cpp 
Fix crash when adding a new schedule to scheduled transactions

--- kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp.orig 2018-04-17 02:57:53 UTC
+++ kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void TransactionEditor::setup(QWidgetList& tabOrderWid

   // remove all unused widgets and don't forget to remove them
   // from the tab order list as well
-  d->m_editWidgets.removeOrphans();
+  // d->m_editWidgets.removeOrphans();
   QWidgetList::iterator it_w;
   const QWidgetList editWidgets(d->m_editWidgets.values());
   for (it_w = tabOrderWidgets.begin(); it_w != tabOrderWidgets.end();) {

not sure why that line is commented, but I dont' apply this patch I can edit
transactions and add new transactions to ledger.

opened bug with FreeBSD ports

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