--- Comment #12 from Julian Seward <> ---
(In reply to Tanya from comment #5)
> Created attachment 109000 [details]
> Updated AVX-512 implementation prototype

This looks pretty good.  I have a number of comments, many of them
just style/layout, but a few are a bit more than that, but nothing

As a side note -- before this lands, I would want to do some performance
runs to check that this doesn't impact performance (or correctness) of
existing IA support.


+Bool have_avx512(void) {

   return (vai.hwcaps & VEX_HWCAPS_AMD64_AVX512 ? True : False);

Potential operator precedence problelsm for & vs ?: make me nervous.  Please

   (vai.hwcaps & VEX_HWCAPS_AMD64_AVX512) ? True : False

so we don't accidentally end up with

   vai.hwcaps & (VEX_HWCAPS_AMD64_AVX512 ? True : False)



@@ -873,7 +888,6 @@

    if (o == GOF(FPSCR)    && sz == 4) return -1;
    if (o == GOF(TPIDRURO) && sz == 4) return -1;
-   if (o == GOF(TPIDRURW) && sz == 4) return -1;
    if (o == GOF(ITSTATE)  && sz == 4) return -1;

Looks like you need to update your -wip copy.  The TPIDRURW line
was added recently for ARM.


 void mc_LOADV_128_or_256_slow ( /*OUT*/ULong* res,
                                 Addr a, SizeT nBits, Bool bigendian )
-   ULong  pessim[4];     /* only used when p-l-ok=yes */
+   ULong  pessim[16];     /* only used when p-l-ok=yes */

IIUC, you're now using this also to handle the slow case for 512 bit
loads.  Correct?

If so,
(1) please rename it to mc_LOADV_128_or_256_or_512_slow
(2) please verify that the 4->16 transition here is correct -- I suspect
it is not.  A ULong is 64 bits, so 'ULong  pessim[4]' contains one byte for
each byte in a 256-bit load.  So to make it work for 512 bit loads, don't
you only need to change it to 'ULong pessim[8]' ?


+void amd64g_dirtyhelper_CPUID_avx512 ( VexGuestAMD64State* st ) {

Please add a comment saying which processor this is taken from (or most
closely represents), like with all the other CPUID helper functions.


+#define OFFB_YMM32     offsetof(VexGuestAMD64State,guest_ZMM32) //NULL

What does //NULL here mean?  Maybe remove it?


+#define PFX_EVEXb  (1<<30)   /* EVEX b bit, if EVEX present, else 0 */
+#define PFX_EVEXTT (0xF<<32) /* EVEX tuple type (4-bits) if EVEX present, else
0 */

Please change these (also, all the pre-existing PFX_ values like PFX_ASO etc)
like this

   1ULL << 30
   0xFULL << 32

so that we don't get problems with (eg) the compiler shifting 0xF as 32-bits
left by 32 (giving zero) and *then* widening to 64 bits.


+static Int tuple_disp_map[14][3] = {

I assume that you want to access this using a TupleType for the first
index.  Please add this:

STATIC_ASSERT(FullVectorMask == 14)

just before the definition of tuple_disp_map.


+static int getMult(Prefix pfx) {
+   int type = getEvexType(pfx);

Please, use house types (Int instead of int).  Int is signed-32 on all
platforms that valgrind supports.


I'm not sure what function these are in, but anyway ..

+   // High 256 bits of ZMM0-ZMM15 registers
+   for (reg = 0; reg < 16; reg++) {
+      stmt( IRStmt_StoreG(
+               Iend_LE,
+               binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(addr), mkU64(1152 + reg * 32)),

and later

+                  binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(addr), mkU64(1664 + lane*16 +

Please don't use magic numbers 1152 and 1664.  Where do these come from?
Are they guest-state offsets?  If yes, please make them be derived from
OFFB_* values.  If no, please at least document where the numbers come
from and what else assumes those same numbers.


       IRExpr* ea  = binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(addr), mkU64(576 + reg * 16));


+      IRExpr* ea  = binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(addr), mkU64(1152 + reg * 32));



+static IRExpr* mask_expr(Prefix pfx, IRExpr* unmasked, IRExpr* original) {

Nit: for big functions like this, please place the { on its own line.

In the same function:

+      default:
+      break;

If it is an internal logic bug that we get to this point, it would be better
to 'vassert(0)'.  But only if it's a bug in the code -- not if it is an
undecoded instruction.


+      assign( e1, amt >= size
+            ? mkV512(0)
+            : binop(op, mkexpr(e0), mkU8(amt))
+            );

Please fix the indentation here and below, to make it clearer that
there are 2 args.  (In emacs C-mode, pressing TAB often fixes it for me).

+      assign( e1, amt >= size
        +            ? mkV512(0)
        +            : binop(op, mkexpr(e0), mkU8(amt))
+            );


+   if (!getEvexMask(pfx)) {
    putYMMRegLoAndZU( rG, unop(op, mkexpr(arg)) );
+   }

Indent the then-clause!


+Long dis_AVX512_cmp_V_E_to_k ( /*OUT*/Bool* uses_vvvv,

+   IRTemp addr = IRTemp_INVALID;
+   Int alen = 0;
+   HChar dis_buf[50];
+   UInt mask = getEvexMask(pfx);
+   UChar modrm = getUChar(delta);
+   UInt rG = gregOfRexRM(pfx, modrm);
+   UInt rV = getVexNvvvv(pfx);
+   *uses_vvvv = True;
+   IRTemp tD = newTemp(Ity_V512);
+   IRExpr* unmasked;
+   UInt imm8;

Please line up the declarationdb like in many other cases, to
make it easier to read.


+static Long opmask_operation_decode (const VexAbiInfo* vbi, Prefix pfx, Long*
delta) {

{ on its own line


+static IRTemp math_VPERMD_512 ( IRTemp ctrlV, IRTemp dataV ) {
+   /* In the control vector, zero out all but the bottom four bits of each
32-bit lane. */

Please stay within an 80 column limit.


+      if (!isYMM) {
       putYMMRegLane128( rG, 1, mkV128(0) );
+      }



@@ -30062,170 +31359,2467 @@
             delta += alen;
-         /* First mask off bits not set in mask, they are ignored
-            and it should be fine if they contain undefined values.  */
-         IRExpr* masked = binop(mkSizedOp(ty,Iop_And8),
-                                mkexpr(src), mkexpr(mask));
-         IRExpr** args = mkIRExprVec_2( widenUto64(masked),
-                                        widenUto64(mkexpr(mask)) );
-         putIRegG( size, pfx, rm,
-                   narrowTo(ty, mkIRExprCCall(Ity_I64, 0/*regparms*/,
-                                              "amd64g_calculate_pext",
-                                              &amd64g_calculate_pext, args))
-         *uses_vvvv = True;
-         /* Flags aren't modified.  */
-         goto decode_success;
+         /* First mask off bits not set in mask, they are ignored
+            and it should be fine if they contain undefined values.  */
+         IRExpr* masked = binop(mkSizedOp(ty,Iop_And8),
+                                mkexpr(src), mkexpr(mask));
+         IRExpr** args = mkIRExprVec_2( widenUto64(masked),
+                                        widenUto64(mkexpr(mask)) );
+         putIRegG( size, pfx, rm,
+                   narrowTo(ty, mkIRExprCCall(Ity_I64, 0/*regparms*/,
+                                              "amd64g_calculate_pext",
+                                              &amd64g_calculate_pext, args))
+         *uses_vvvv = True;
+         /* Flags aren't modified.  */
+         goto decode_success;

What actually changed here?  I can't see any difference.  If it's just
whitespace, don't include it.


+#define MULT512 4

I see some uses of MULT512, but it's unclear what it means.  Please
add a comment.  (Later) I see you're using it to mean 'the number of
128 bit registers into which an Ity_I512 expression is computed'.  Is
there a better name for this?  I couldn't have guessed the meaning just
from the existing name.


 static HReg iselIntExpr_R_wrk ( ISelEnv* env, const IRExpr* e )

+            Int octet = e->Iex.Unop.op - Iop_V512to64_0;
+            vec = temp[octet/2];

Use 'UInt octet' so that we're sure the division just turns into a shift.


@@ -2669,6 +2793,49 @@
       return dst;

+   if (e->tag == Iex_Unop && e->Iex.Unop.op == Iop_ExtractExpF32) {
+      HReg dst = newVRegV(env);
+      HReg arg = iselFltExpr(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg);
+      sub_from_rsp(env, 32);
+      addInstr(env, AMD64Instr_Lea64(AMD64AMode_IR(0, hregAMD64_RSP()),
+      addInstr(env, AMD64Instr_Lea64(AMD64AMode_IR(4, hregAMD64_RSP()),

It was a bit unclear to me what you're using the RDI value for.  I had to
look at this a couple of times to see that it is the first (only?) arg to
h_generic_calc_GetExp32.  Please add a short comment saying that; also
for the clauses that follow (calls to h_generic_calc_GetMant32 and


static void iselVecExpr_wrk_512 ( /*OUT*/ HReg *dst, ISelEnv* env, IRExpr* e )

{ on its own line


-- valgrind-clean/valgrind/VEX/priv/host_generic_fixup.c        1969-12-31
18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ valgrind-wip/valgrind/VEX/priv/host_generic_fixup.c 2017-11-17
12:26:07.224622000 -0600

I see that you need a new source file here (fine), but

(1) "fixup" is a pretty meaningless name -- it could mean anything.
    Please choose something that describes better what it does, eg

(2) It needs a copyright notice.  Copy from any other file
    (eg host_generic_simd256.c and s/OpenWorks etc/Intel (or whoever))

(3) Start/end comment blocks in the file would be nice.


--- valgrind-clean/valgrind/VEX/priv/host_generic_simd512.c     1969-12-31
18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ valgrind-wip/valgrind/VEX/priv/host_generic_simd512.c       2017-11-17
12:21:00.513156000 -0600

In the copyright, s/OpenWorks GBR/Intel (or whoever)

Please use Int instead of int in this file.


--- valgrind-clean/valgrind/VEX/priv/host_generic_simd512.h     1969-12-31
18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ valgrind-wip/valgrind/VEX/priv/host_generic_simd512.h       2017-11-17
12:21:00.519156000 -0600

Change copyright notice name.


--- valgrind-clean/valgrind/VEX/pub/libvex_basictypes.h 2017-11-21
07:10:54.339770000 -0600
+++ valgrind-wip/valgrind/VEX/pub/libvex_basictypes.h   2017-11-14
09:46:54.822380000 -0600
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@
 /* Always 256 bits. */
 typedef  UInt  U256[8];

+/* Always 512 bits. */
+typedef  UInt  U512[16];
+/* Floating point. */
+typedef  float   Float;    /* IEEE754 single-precision (32-bit) value */
+typedef  double  Double;   /* IEEE754 double-precision (64-bit) value */

Please add (at this point)

STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Float) == 4)
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Double) == 8)

(Call me paranoid.  I don't care :-)


          UInt   V256;   /* 32-bit value; see Ico_V256 comment above */
+         ULong V512;   /* 64-bit value; see Ico_V512 comment above */

Please align the 'V512' -- just to make it pretty


+      /* MASKING */
+      Iop_Mask32to512, Iop_Mask64to512, 
+      Iop_Mask32to256, Iop_Mask64to256, 

Add a 1-line comment explaining roughly what these do, eg like the
INTERLEAVING case just below.


+      /* Detect duplicate values. Compare each element of the source vector
+       * for equality with all other elements closer to the least significant
+       * combine the comparison results to a bit vector */
+      Iop_CfD32x16,

Can you give this a better name?  The comment makes sense, but I couldn't
guess that from 'CfD'.  What does CfD stand for?


+      // V512 -> I64, must be sequential

You could (partly) enforce this at compile time with

STATIC_ASSERT(Iop_V512to64_7 == Iop_V512to64_0 + 7)


+      Iop_Align32x16,  Iop_Align64x8,
+      Iop_Expand32x16, Iop_Expand64x8,
+      Iop_Compress32x16,  Iop_Compress64x8,
+      Iop_Ternlog32x16,   Iop_Ternlog64x8,

Please add a short comment explaining approximately what these operations do.


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