--- Comment #9 from Thomas Schmitt <> ---

i wrote:
> > dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/sr0 when the DVD-RW is inserted 

Aloysius wrote:
> See attached log.

But is from a BD-RE
medium. My question was about the formatting state of the DVD-RW.

> >   dvd+rw-format /dev/sr0

> See attachment. Unless you actually want me to go through with the
> full format.

Not with BD-RE. The proposal was for DVD-RW in case that it is not
formatted. (The formatting run can last as long as a full write run
with maximum speed.)

The BD-RE is in formatted state and thus dvd+rw-format correctly did
not change it. No need to re-run with option -force.


This reminds me of the bug with image burning where K3B did not recognize
empty BD-R media for writing of media image files (data projects worked

Decisive fix was in
by the two changes in K3b::Iso9660ImageWritingJob::startWriting():

  - mt = K3b::Device::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD;
  + mt = K3b::Device::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD | K3b::Device::MEDIA_WRITABLE_BD;

  - mt = K3b::Device::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD;
  + mt = K3b::Device::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD | K3b::Device::MEDIA_WRITABLE_BD;

So, Leslie and Aloysius, please find out whether Aloysius' K3B already
has this fix.

If not, then we need to explain why a first burn run on BD-RE succeeded.
Was it by chance a data project (composed from several files) rather than
an image burn run (only one file involved, typically with suffix ".iso") ?

If the fix is already applied, then my next best candidate would be in
line 268 of file jobs/k3biso9660imagewritingjob.cpp :

    Device::MediaType media = waitForMedium( m_device,
K3b::Device::STATE_EMPTY, mt, K3b::imageFilesize(
QUrl::fromLocalFile(m_imagePath) )/2048 );

I understand this wants medium state STATE_EMPTY whereas the BD-RE is
reported as STATE_INCOMPLETE (i assume from the word "COMPLETE" in the

This state is indeed reported by the drive (and complies to the SCSI specs):
  Mounted Media:         43h, BD-RE
  Disc status:           complete
But with formatted media it does not mean that one could not write an
image to the medium beginning at block 0.

So for a test, but not as final solution, one could change the line to

    Device::MediaType media = waitForMedium( m_device, 
               K3b::Device::STATE_EMPTY | K3b::Device::STATE_COMPLETE,
               K3b::imageFilesize( QUrl::fromLocalFile(m_imagePath) )/2048 );

and check whether it works with BD-RE and other formatted media.

In this case the first burn would have worked because the BD-RE was not
yet formatted and thus STATE_EMPTY.

As final solution, one would have to make K3B smarter, so that it takes
into respect the purpose of the job and the formatting state of the medium.
E.g. that it takes STATE_COMPLETE as alias of STATE_EMPTY if the medium
is DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, or BD-RE and shall be written from scratch.

Possibly we can learn from the data project code.


The DVD-RW problem cannot stem from bug 381074.
But if the cause for the BD-RE problem is the missing acceptance for
STATE_COMPLETE, then this would also apply to formatted DVD-RW:

  Mounted Media:         13h, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite
  Disc status:           complete

Have a nice day :)


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