Sebastien <> changed:

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--- Comment #3 from Sebastien <> ---
5 years later, I dig up this bug report.
I had an issue with asteroid position but it was due to 1 hour drift with
kstars time.

Set your position in kstars (paris for example). Set kstars to be now. Then
change date of your operating system in order to start or end the daylight
saving time. Then set kstars to now. Kstars will not applied DST change and
shows a gap of 1 hour in my case.

In the location windows, the DST parameters for Paris is EU and shows the same
start time and revert time which is wrong.

DST 2017 (France).
Start: 02:00 sunday 26 march
End: 03:00 sunday 29 october

TZ rules are hardcoded in locationdialog.cpp and there is a file named
TZrules.dat with data duplicated.

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