Jonathan Ringstad <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #9 from Jonathan Ringstad <> ---
I can confirm that spectacle hangs my system, on manjaro, bumblebee
(proprietary nvidia + mesa intel) with kernel 4.4.70, xorg 1.19.3 and spectacle

Everything becomes unresponsive, even switching to a VT becomes impossible. The
mouse still moves, about once every 5-15 seconds. Clicking, dragging, pressing
escape or enter does not do anything (I tried all of those + waited a couple of
minutes for a reaction)

Using anything other than rectangle select does not hang the system, and even
rectangle selection works without crashing the system *sometimes*, but I did
not notice any obvious pattern.

Here are the relevant-looking entries from the journalctl log:

Jun 10 23:16:29 vega kdeinit5[896]: D-Bus call: "org.kde.Spectacle" : "/" :
"StartAgent" : ()
Jun 10 23:16:29 vega dbus-daemon[859]: Activating service
Jun 10 23:16:29 vega dbus-daemon[859]: Successfully activated service
Jun 10 23:16:29 vega spectacle[8168]: WARNING: Cannot find style
"org.kde.desktop" - fallback: "/usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Desktop"
Jun 10 23:16:29 vega spectacle[8168]: qrc:/JobDialog.qml:67: TypeError: Cannot
read property 'Layout' of null
Jun 10 23:16:29 vega spectacle[8168]: qrc:/JobDialog.qml:66: TypeError: Cannot
read property 'Layout' of null
Jun 10 23:16:33 vega kwin_x11[945]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow),
sequence: 57866, resource id: 33554646, major code: 10 (UnmapWindow), minor
code: 0
Jun 10 23:16:33 vega kwin_x11[945]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow),
sequence: 57871, resource id: 33554646, major code: 4 (DestroyWindow), minor
code: 0

Hope that helps, and hope this bug can be resolved quickly!

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