Jack <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |ostroffjh@users.sourceforge
                   |                            |.net

--- Comment #1 from Jack <> ---
First, you should upgrade to 4.8.0, which has been available almost a year.
Second, do you have any backups?
More directly to your problem, a .kmy file is just a gzipped x.xml file.  If
you make a copy of your file to one called file.xml.gz, you should be able to
gunzip it.  The resulting xml file is plain text, so you should be able to look
at it in a text editor.  This will at least confirm that the compression was
not the problem.  Then we can dig into what is wrong with the file, and whether
or not it can be easily repaired.
The currency not found issue seems odd, because it implies that KMM was able to
read the file, unless perhaps it was truncated, which doesn't seem likely.
Post back with the results of checking that the xml file is readable.

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