--- Comment #5 from William L. Thomson Jr. <> ---
I cannot replicate this. I am sorry but at the time, dealing with the lost
emails was more important than going on a mission to help developers fix a
bug... I am not sure I could produce anything anyway. I have seen it happen
before and was not much for me to produce in the form of log output etc.

Does akonadi even have an activity log file? Nothing in /var/log/* even
mentions akonadi...

mysql logs are empty with last touched date of January 18th.

Exactly where is this output I should be producing?

I write lots of software. I rarely ever find or run into bugs my users report.
Unit tests do not seem to eliminate user bugs either. That KDE Pim developers
do not experience issues is of no surprise. I would google kmail2, and you will
find countless reports of users having issues. Not sure you can even compare a
Gentoo env to a Debian one. Assuming everything is the same version, maybe
something newer in Gentoo than Debian, hard to say, lots of variables.

The fact that akonadi does not log any output to system log files by default
shows one of its many design flaws. Who ever came up with this concept clearly
missed some very important aspects needed for debugging and fixing issues...
Who writes software that does not log output by default. Much less core
software like this?

This is a joke...

How is that supposed to help in situations where you cannot replicate what
happpened. Go set that up after the fact of a problem occurring. Without log
activity there is no trail. Write better software that produces logs of
activity. That way when something goes wrong that log can be used to determine
what went wrong.

If this akonadi had logging by default, I would have included that with my bug
report. You can see your giving users nothing to help developers in addressing
issues. This software is horribly designed and coded all around. It is WAY to
experimental and keeps radically changing. Some akonadi2/kube in the works,

Need to stop messing with things. Email should be reliable, rock solid. I have
lost lots of individual emails. Kmail also has no ability to handle imap T
flag. It pulls in messages that the server maybe trying to delete that come
with the T flag. It keeps those in the folders, grayed out. I have to go into
the folder in disk and delete the email. Then it is removed from the list.

This losing all emails is another matter entirely. It not only wiped out
inbox/cur but inbox/new.

I will conclude with I have never had any issues with other email clients like
I have repeatedly had with Kmail. I an not a novice user by any means. If I am
running into such issues I can only imagine others. Anyone I speak to does not
run kmail. Most avoid it for known issues. Even most on Gentoo who maintain KDE
run from kmail2.

Its you all software and reputation. Akonadi and kmail2 are very below
subpar... New features added that are stupid while core features cause major
issues... Some stupid area for favorite folders I cannot get rid of. Some dumb
text next to emails saying no html message etc. While I lose all emails with no
log output...

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