--- Comment #12 from Jan Ritzerfeld <> ---
JFTR, I took a look at the source code from github:
* Since 1aa3eb98b22fbe5e690ca8f3096c6e3b712ac3d8, log.cpp calls
QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules("kscreen.*=true") unless KSCREEN_LOGGING is
set to "0" or "false" (case insensitive), and
* since f4d3e52e2e2497634a269faeab2d5d6eba0f3526, the logger is installed in
backendmanager.cpp and backendlauncher/main.cpp.
So, a filter rule is installed that enables logging for kscreen overriding
qtlogging.ini but is never removed later on.

The new workaround is to set the rule in your environment, e.g., by adding 
export QT_LOGGING_RULES="kscreen.*=false"
to your "~/.profile".

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