Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |eworks/kio/-/commit/a7be926
                   |                            |869d82d70de549970c25ee76a88
                   |                            |a2e6a9
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #6 from Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <> ---
Git commit a7be926869d82d70de549970c25ee76a88a2e6a9 by Friedrich W. H.
Committed on 14/03/2025 at 21:19.
Pushed by kossebau into branch 'master'.

KFileWidget: drop broken workaround for old s-m-i octet-stream file suffix

Old logic was establishing m_extension to be '.' and thus screwing over
the edited filename when "application/octet-stream" is the set filter,
KFileWidget: drop broken workaround for old s-m-i octet-stream file suffix

Logic was establishing m_extension to be '.' when
"application/octet-stream" is the set filter and currentExtension being
empty, thus screwing over the edited filename.

s-m-i 1.10 and Qt 5.11.0 got the octet-stream file suffix fixed,
and with KCoreAddons 6.13 now also requiring at least s-m-i 2.1,
the work-around can be dropped.

M  +5    -0    autotests/kfilewidgettest.cpp
M  +1    -2    src/filewidgets/kfilewidget.cpp

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