--- Comment #2 from Damglador <> ---
I have Ukrainian and English keyboard layouts. Every time I'm on the lock
screen or have polkit password window, I either have to stop and check if I'm
on the right keyboard layout, and if I'm not - switch it. Or I just
instinctively type my password and either waste a couple of seconds because I
wasn't on English keyboard, or I'm on English keyboard and the gamble pays off.

Plus this links to (TLDR: You can type
in password field even if you can't see it), which is an issue in both SDDM and
Plasma lock screen (I forgot to report it for the lock screen), but In case of
SDDM I can just start typing my password without having to see anything,
because SDDM doesn't have multiple keyboard layouts, but that's not the case
with Plasma lock screen. Plasma lock screen inherits keyboard layouts from
session and doesn't show which one is chosen on the idle screen, and even if it
did, it's the same issue as with polkit, I either check my keyboard layout
every time, or just type my password and find out if the layout of correct.

The fact that polkit and lock screen have 5 seconds or so cooldown if you type
a wrong password makes it even more annoying.

If I was able to set a default keyboard layout for polkit and lock screen I
would be able to just skip these time-wasting checks and type my password,
knowing that unless I type it wrong, there won't be an issue. 

It would be even better if this was also available in window rules. This is
more of a niche use case, but as an example, Barony and Blender don't know how
to work with Cyrillic keyboard layouts, so if I'm on Ukrainian, all key
bindings are useless until I switch back to English (and if Barony uses
Xwayland, which is the default behavior, I have to restart the game with the
right keyboard layout). And since there's not much need for Ukrainian in Barony
or Blender, I could just set it as default for these windows and not have to
switch my keyboard layout back to English after I use the browser. Would it be
better if apps solved their issues? Yes. But it's not always a realistic

I hope my explanation is somewhat understandable.

This could work in 2 ways:
1. It locks polkit and lock screen, and other windows with this rule, to only
using one keyboard layout, which is set by the user
2. When polkit and lock screen, and other windows with this rule, are open,
they always use the specified keyboard layout, but user can switch it like they
normally would, but this won't affect the global keyboard layout. So if I open
polkit with English select, switch in polkit to Ukrainian and go to another
window, keyboard layout will still be English.

The first one is somewhat unsafe because it could cause a softlock on the lock

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