
           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |REPORTED

--- Comment #4 from ---
Your steps are correct, but with different results in fedora/kde

1. Open System Settings
2. Click Screen Locking
3. Click Configure Appearance
4. Click Remove Wallpaper on the custom one
> the image is greyed out
> first button is 'open containing folder' (also greyed out, but clickable)
> second button is 'restore wallpaper' (also greyed out, but clickable)
5. Click Apply (note that the selection moves to the next wallpaper in line)
> here's the problem: the selection (brownish frame around the image preview) 
> already moved to the next image after clicking 'remove wallpaper' on my 
> custom image
> 'apply' gets greyed out, but does nothing to the list of images: my 'deleted' 
> image is still there, greyed out, next image is still selected (has the 
> brownish frame), and the desktop wallpaper/image is still visible on the 
> screen.
6. Close System Settings
> reopening systemsettings again, goto screen-locking / configure appearance - 
> and the image is still in the list

The only way to get rid of the image is by using desktop-rightClick > desktop
and wallpaper and removing the image.
Interestingly, after my image gets deleted, and clicking 'apply', the image
gets deleted from the list and the desktop-wallpaper shows the image next in
list. (so far, so expected)
Now, select 'plain color' instead of 'image' for wallpaper, click apply.
The desktop-wallpaper is now a plain color.

But, my systemsettings (which was open all the time showing the wallpaper-image
list) does not get updated.
We already have the plain color as desktop wallpaper, but systemsettings still
shows my custom image and, of course, all other images as if 'image' (as
wallpaper) was still the active option.
Don't we have some notification mechanism to update systemsettings?
(yes, closing and reopening systemsettings then correctly shows plain-color as
selected choice)

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