--- Comment #6 from Geoffrey Thomas <> ---
Yeah, looks like the same problem happens on FreeBSD. Here's a repro (I used
the 15.0-CURRENT AMI on AWS):

root@freebsd:~ # pkg install valgrind
root@freebsd:~ # mkdir orig
root@freebsd:~ # cd orig
root@freebsd:~/orig # cat main.c
extern void stuff(void);

int main(void) {
root@freebsd:~/orig # cat stuff.c
#include <stdio.h>

void stuff(void) {
        printf("Hello world!\n");
root@freebsd:~/orig # cc -shared -o stuff.c
root@freebsd:~/orig # cc -L. -o main main.c -lstuff -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN'
root@freebsd:~/orig # cd ..
root@freebsd:~ # mkdir link
root@freebsd:~/link # ln -s ../orig/main .
root@freebsd:~/link # echo '#!/root/link/main' > script
root@freebsd:~/link # chmod +x script
root@freebsd:~/link # ./script
Hello world!
root@freebsd:~/link # valgrind --tool=none -q ./script Shared object "" not found, required by "script"
root@freebsd:~/link # valgrind --tool=none -q ./main
Hello world!

I agree that this is probably one of the sysctls instead of /proc/self/exe.
Valgrind does some similar virtualization there.

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