Iyán Méndez Veiga <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED
         Resolution|FIXED                       |---

--- Comment #23 from Iyán Méndez Veiga <> ---
Yeah, something is wrong in the fix. I can reproduce exactly what BananasGoMoo
described, except that his workaround does not work in my case (the show
previews is not correctly saved).

So here are my steps to reproduce my issue as well:

1. Go to Dolphin settings -> View -> General and select "Use common display
style for all folders"
2. Now go to your home folder and change view to "Details view mode" and
disable "Show preview of files and folders"
3. Go back to settings and now select "Remember display style for each folder"
4. Enter any folder and change view to "Icons view mode" and enable "Show
preview of files and folders"
5. Exit that folder and enter again

Expected result:
Folder remember the view mode and that preview is enabled

Actual result:
Details view mode is used and no previews

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