--- Comment #13 from Alan Prescott <> ---
Does this explain why a USB joystick doesn't even show up in systemsettings
module kcm_gamecontroller?

Alan Prescott

On Sat, 14 Dec 2024 at 17:54, Joshua Goins <> wrote:

> Joshua Goins <> changed:
>            What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>              Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
>       Latest Commit|                            |
>                    |
> |ma/plasma-desktop/-/commit/
>                    |
> |9c0c319d635f2758d1d310a2a41
>                    |                            |3b7af335c4005
>          Resolution|---                         |FIXED
> --- Comment #12 from Joshua Goins <> ---
> Git commit 9c0c319d635f2758d1d310a2a413b7af335c4005 by Joshua Goins, on
> behalf
> of Arthur Kasimov.
> Committed on 14/12/2024 at 15:43.
> Pushed by redstrate into branch 'master'.
> kcms/gamecontroller: Replace SDL Game Controller API with Joystick API
> Currently the KCM uses a mix of higher-level SDL "Game Controller" API
> and lower-level "Joystick" API. Unfortunately, this results in numerous
> bugs. The state of some buttons/axes, such as D-pad or right trigger,
> is not displayed properly. This happens due to the mismatch between Game
> Controller API and Joystick API that report different number and order
> of buttons/axes. Another issue is that some non-standard devices like
> racing wheels or handbrakes and not detected at all. The Game Controller
> API seems to be limited to standard gamepads only.
> This commit introduces new Device class that encapsulates SDL_Joystick
> object. Both ButtonModel and AxesModel now use Device object to report
> raw values from buttons and axes. DeviceModel now manages Device objects
> and shows them in the combo box. This ensures SDL Joystick API is used
> consistently across all code and avoids API mismatch issues. This should
> also properly detect joysticks, wheels and handbrakes. Unfortunately I
> don't have any of these devices and can't really test them.
> The Gamepad class encapsulates SDL_GameController object and provides
> higher-level access to gamepads. For now it is only used to display the
> coordinate of left stick in PositionWidget. In future it can be used to
> revamp the UI and show the symbolic view of standard gamepads.
> Related: bug 487694, bug 494705, bug 494913
> M  +1    -0    kcms/gamecontroller/CMakeLists.txt
> M  +33   -14   kcms/gamecontroller/axesmodel.cpp
> M  +10   -7    kcms/gamecontroller/axesmodel.h
> M  +27   -28   kcms/gamecontroller/buttonmodel.cpp
> M  +10   -12   kcms/gamecontroller/buttonmodel.h
> A  +90   -0    kcms/gamecontroller/device.cpp     [License: GPL(v2.0+)]
> A  +49   -0    kcms/gamecontroller/device.h     [License: GPL(v2.0+)]
> M  +71   -30   kcms/gamecontroller/devicemodel.cpp
> M  +16   -5    kcms/gamecontroller/devicemodel.h
> M  +23   -32   kcms/gamecontroller/gamepad.cpp
> M  +7    -20   kcms/gamecontroller/gamepad.h
> M  +8    -3    kcms/gamecontroller/ui/main.qml
> --
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> You are on the CC list for the bug.

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