Olivier Croquette <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #24 from Olivier Croquette <> ---
I have the same issue on Manjaro:

> /etc/arch-release:Manjaro Linux
> /etc/lsb-release:DISTRIB_ID="ManjaroLinux"
> /etc/lsb-release:DISTRIB_RELEASE="24.1.2"
> /etc/lsb-release:DISTRIB_CODENAME="Xahea"
> /etc/lsb-release:DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Manjaro Linux"
> /etc/manjaro-release:Manjaro Linux
> /etc/os-release:NAME="Manjaro Linux"
> /etc/os-release:PRETTY_NAME="Manjaro Linux"
> /etc/os-release:ID=manjaro
> /etc/os-release:ID_LIKE=arch
> /etc/os-release:BUILD_ID=rolling
> /etc/os-release:ANSI_COLOR="32;1;24;144;200"
> /etc/os-release:HOME_URL="";
> /etc/os-release:DOCUMENTATION_URL="";
> /etc/os-release:SUPPORT_URL="";
> /etc/os-release:BUG_REPORT_URL="";
> /etc/os-release:PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="";
> /etc/os-release:LOGO=manjarolinux

I use DK 8.5, but the current conditions of  the development version do not
match either:

> if [[ ! (($OS_NAME == "ubuntu"              && $OS_VERSION -ge 2010)      ||
>          ($OS_NAME == "manjarolinux"        && $OS_VERSION -ge 247)       ||
>          ($OS_NAME == "fedora linux"        && $OS_VERSION -ge 40)        ||
>          ($OS_NAME == "opensuse tumbleweed" && $OS_VERSION -ge 20240908)) ]] 
> ; then

My version is lower than 247, but I wonder if the check makes sense at all for
a rolling distribution. Wouldn't it be better to allow preload_shared_library
to fail for, instead of having it mandatory depending on these

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