Stefan Vater <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |WORKSFORME

--- Comment #5 from Stefan Vater <> ---
No, sorry compiling plasma-nm would take me a while, time I do not have right
now. However, I managed to solve my problem by setting up a new "connection" in
the connection editor. With this, everything seems to work. Sorry that I did
not think about this possibility before. When I look at the configuration files
in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections the difference is essentially in
password-flags and pin-flags. 

For the non-working connection it is:

while for the working one it is:

It is strange that I cannot even edit the non-working connection with the
connection editor. When I open it the "OK" button is always greyed out and
there pops up a notification saying "Connection data for SURFSTICK could not be
gathered" (my translation) "No agents were available for this request".

Hopefully this helps for future problems with old connection setups. If you
would like to have the full configuration file, please let me know.

Thanks a lot for the quick help! I set the status to RESOLVED/WORKSFORME. I
hope that is right.

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