--- Comment #4 from Jarosław Staniek <> ---
Version information:
- Despite backward format compatibility built into the solution, the change
from [] to [[]] for query parameters in the GUI is too large for an update in
2.9.x series. I propose to move it to Kexi 3.0 and related KDb framework.
- Kexi 2.9.x needs no change for query parameters support: its storage format
won't change.
- A small addition in Kexi 2.9.x is welcome to react to the identifiers
escaping coming from Kexi >= 3.x. When ` ` is encountered in the internal
(KEXISQL) source format, Kexi should display error message (on query loading)
such as "This query contains identifiers enclosed in [ ] brackets, what is only
supported by Kexi 3 or newer. To use the query with Kexi 2, open the query in
SQL view and rename the identifiers so they start with a latin letter or '_'
character and only contain only latin letters, numbers and '_' characters".
- In Kexi M= 2.9.9 "SELECT ą" query has a syntax error. This can be improved to
be more usable. KEXISQL scanner should be changed so it allows all characters
(except space) so this query. Checking should be performed in the scanning
routine instead. If invalid character is encountered, message "Identifiers
should start with a latin letter or '_' character and only contain only latin
letters, numbers and '_' characters" is presented and query can be only opened
in the SQL view.

PS: If identifier is a reserved keyword Kexi (calligradb) already has "\"%1\"
is a reserved keyword." error.

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