hey Jukka,

in case you want that tool extended feel free to reach out with specifics.

sunny regards ..ede

On 16.09.2024 21:23, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

Actually, the Draw simple line CAD tool is very close to the non-rotated 
rectangle tool. With X and Y offsets it is possible to draw a diagonal line, 
and putting an envelope around it makes a rectangle.


*Lähettäjä:* Giuseppe Aruta <giuseppe.ar...@gmail.com>
*Lähetetty:* maanantai 16. syyskuuta 2024 18.20
*Vastaanottaja:* OpenJump develop and use 
*Aihe:* Re: [JPP-Devel] Feature request: Draw rectangles with parameters

Interesting case, the cad extension has a plugin  to insert prefixed geometries 
at a defined size. It could be interesting to extend it.

Il lun 16 set 2024, 15:50 edgar.soldin--- via Jump-pilot-devel 
<mailto:jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>> ha scritto:

    hey Jukka,

    On 15.09.2024 19:49, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
     > Hi,
     > I would like to have a tool for drawing fixed size rectangles with 
manually given parameters. The parameters would be:
     > width
     > height (= width by default)
     > rotation angle (0 by default)
     > optionally:
     > coordinates of the centre point, or
     > coordinates of the bottom-left corner (or some other corner, it does not 
really matter).
     > If coordinates are not given manually, then mouse click would be used as 
the centre point or as the corner point. We have already a tool for drawing 
circles, and a couple of tools for drawing constrained polygons, but they are not 
handy for my need. What I am doing now is to write the polygons as WKT, or I 
digitize them with snap-to-grid option.
     > BTW I have a non-GIS use case today, I would like to plan if it would be 
more optimal to buy 1220x2440 mm plywood sheets, or perhaps 1500x3000 mm sheets 
for my hobby project.  Planning the placement of solar panels (for example 
1720x1130 mm) could be another use case, or parking places, or whatever 
rectangular standard things that exist.

    i might be able to put something together. can you give a step-by-step 
workflow for how that tool would work? putting in those parameters on every 
draw is probably not something you aim for. having that and an idea for i time 
frame i could come up with a quote, being between jobs just now.

    will try to treat it better than the OGC-API support, that got stuck due to 
personal life being just what it was then :)

    sunny regards ..ede

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