On 05.07.2024 10:13, János Tamás Kis wrote:
Hi Ede,
Sorry for disturbing...
np. please stick to the mailing list though unless you actually need to tell me
personal stuff :)
My question is probably too childish, but I hope you will can help.
I cloned openjump, five-color-extension and kml-driver to my own repository.
Since I have never done this before, I tried a simple thing: I modified the
/openjump/src/language/jump_hu.properties file and tried to upload it to my
repository on more way:
Team / ( Commit | ( Repository / Push to origin | Push 'Branch' main ) )
But unfortunately, I always get an error when I try to log in to the github
account. 😳
Can't connect to any repository: https://github.com/kijato/openjump.git
<https://github.com/kijato/openjump.git>: not authorized)
you will need authenticate of course. unfortunately just using the normal
user/pass only is not possible anymore for security reasons.
for the "https://" remote you can use tokens, found this explanation
personally i use the "ssh://" remote with a private/public key pair. this seems
to explain that
hope that helped.. ede
ps. still haven't forgotten to do the extension devel mini howto, just trying
to find time
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