Pulled. i reformatted, slightly rephrased the the commit text though. try to 
keep explanations short and understandable, if possible at all as 80char or 
less one liners ;)


On 31.01.2023 08:31, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
Hi Ede,
I made a request to upgrade the Raster Tools to a new version.
The main upgraded are the following:
a) Implements Spatial reference System into TIFF file expor
b) add a plugin thet allows reprojecting raster and image files between 
different coordinate reference systems.
c) Delaunay triangulation plugin: added a set of methods in order to cover a 
wide set of vector to raster transformation (Nearest Neighbor, Inverse Distance 
Weighted, Min Z, Max Z and Mean Z).
d) The Info and Style plugin are grouped together as one plugin in order (in 
the future) to simplify all the plugins which are related to raster properties 
(info, style, histogram, etc)
e) Removed from the extension file the embedded JEP library. Raster tools works 
with both OpenJUMP Core and Plus, but Raster Calculator plugin is deactivated 
if the JEP libraries are not available as in OJ Core.

Please, can you check if the upgrade is valid? Thanks


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