tried on windows 10. assume that windows 11 will be affected as well. ..ede

On 28.11.2022 16:21, wrote:
just realized that the outdated izpack installers do _not_ generate the start 
menu/desktop entries to start OJ anymore. without them they are quite useless 
wouldn't you agree.
i'm not inclined to dig up a new installer or fixup the one we got, so i'd vote 
to stick to the portable distro for windows. on mac the installer-jar should 
still do a fine job of packaging a mac app, so we should provide it for them at 
least. will have to retest on linux.

btw. launch4j is ported to the maven plugin, will probably push it tomorrow 
after some cleanup.


On 26.11.2022 13:54, Michaud Michael wrote:
I upgraded the launch4j library because I had problem to define the minimum 
java version with the older (openjump installer could not recognized my java 

I tested on windows and did a quick try on linux but cannot test on mac.

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