On 23.08.2021 21:33, Michaud Michael wrote:
> Ede,
> Just tested last BeanShellEditor. Works well.
> If you don't mind, now that all extensions have been updated to use new 
> FeatureInstaller / I18N, I'd like to make a full update of OpenJUMP PLUS by 
> copying jar files before you start changes on packaging. PLUS distro has been 
> broken for several months, and it would be nice to have a complete version.

that'll just add more binary clutter to trunk again. i'd really really prefer 
we just, step by step replace the lib/{ext,plus}/jars with the maven downloads 
instead. now is the perfect point in time. the result will be a working PLUS 
distro as _plus_ trunk will be clean as well. it's like 'two birds one stone' :)

> I should be able to move new extension versions to OpenJUMP distro tonight.

if they work fine locally at you machine, they will as well when added as 
downloadable distro zips. each time you add binaries to the source repo it's 
size grows by the size of the added binary. let's stop doing that!

> And a question about how you plan to manage dependencies of extension. For 
> example, the lib directory of the new BeanshellEditor contains jedit and the 
> BeanShell jar file, but the later is already included in OpenJUMP CORE.

right. wasn't aware. just pushed a commit removing the dependency as it is 
already in CORE, which is a dependency of the extension.
check the beanshell distro zip 'bsheditor-extension-2.0.0.zip' created via 'mvn 
package'. it's clean now.

>Any way to avoid such duplication ?

of course. clean pom.xml setup :) if CORE already contains the dependency, then 
there is no need actually disruptive to add it again.

>On the other hand, some extensions may need specific versions of a library. Do 
>you want to use some specialized library to manage extensions and dependencies 
>or just maven ?

yeah, no. we currently and never did support diverging dependency versions for 
anything in OJ. status quo is, first jar found in classpath containing the 
package class will be used. i have a a lose plan to extend the classloader to 
actually contain one classloader per extension, which would effectively enable 
different dependency versions within OJ, but that's just an idea for now!
extensions either have to work with what is in OJ CORE or apply for the 
dependency in OJ to be modified accordingly.

finally if you want i'll even do the distro/pom modification for all extensions 
and prepare the OJ pom although i feel it is needed that you are familiar with 
it as well. ..sunny regards ede

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